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Ashe Build Guide by Martheos

Ashe Carry

Ashe Carry

Updated on June 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Martheos Build Guide By Martheos 2,260 Views 0 Comments
2,260 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Martheos Ashe Build Guide By Martheos Updated on June 28, 2011
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  • LoL Champion: Ashe
  • LoL Champion: Ashe

2 ways to carry Ashe

Hello, this is my very first guide here, but it's from my favourite champion ofcourse ;)
This guide shows you 2 different builds I use with Ashe, the first being a regular carry build which I use when I'm in good teams (premade obviously) and the second comes in handy when I'm having a tough time in mid, or anywhere for that matter.

I only see a couple of guides with Philosopher's Stone, but imo it's a great investment. It will repay in about 20 minutes and it will provide you the regen you need to stay in lane longer.

For the more 'tanky' build I use a combination of Warmog's and Atma's Impaler. While Warmog's gives me the HP Ashe lacks, the Atma's Impaler gains effectiveness the more HP you have, giving you +60 AP, even more then a Black Cleaver, together with some armor and Critical Chance.

I hope you enjoyed this little (read: somewhat pathetic) guide, feel free to comment =D

- Martheos
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Martheos
Martheos Ashe Guide
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