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Ashe Build Guide by Ripper creep

Ashe - Fast Kills

Ashe - Fast Kills

Updated on August 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ripper creep Build Guide By Ripper creep 5,926 Views 2 Comments
5,926 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ripper creep Ashe Build Guide By Ripper creep Updated on August 27, 2011
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Ashe - Fast kills

Hello And welcome!

This is a very short guide, as its for people who already play ashe, but only needs the item order and skill sequence.
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Against mele champs always be as offensive as possible. But, but. Take care, and don't get to close. Better to farm minions and stay defensive, than feeding the enemy. But with a bit of skills, and sence. You can easily be offensive against mele classes.

Against Ranged/spell champs, be more defensive than against mele, as they can hit you just as good, as you can hit them. stay near minions, get your xp points, and try to get as many last hits as possible on them. Let them come to your tower! Don't push to their tower, as you get more vulnerable to ganks, and other bad stuff. + that your tower will do the job for you, and you get faster XP.

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Items, and their functions!

Items chosen are chosen because of experience playing ashe. A lot of speed mid game is nice, and dorans blade is very useful and important to have in the beginning. Damage+lifesteal is very nice. Boots of swiftness, so you can escape easily and CC your opponents. Zeal for attack speed. The B.F sword for damage, and then phantom for even more speed. Infinity Edge = Crits all the time, and nice damage. Bloodthirster is very nice with the high lifesteal percentage, and the high dmg it provides you with also. And at last we have the black cleaver, providing us with even more speed and damage. so now we can easily carry a team, with some good dmg support.

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Why i have choosen those runes?

The reason for why i have choosen this rune setup is because of the speed.

Attack speed + Armor Penetration and finally the Attack Dmg. All very nice and usefull stats when you play ashe as carry.

If you disagree then please tell me why you think, some of these stats aren't usefull as ashe.

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So this is my first guide, and my layout is maybe not the most nice layout, you have seen. But i think more about the stuff i write in my guide, then about the layout. This guide is working, i use it myself, and im doing all fine as ashe. Ofcourse not everything depends on the guide, but also a lot on your skills. Ashe can be a bit tricky to play. But she is very good to have on the team, and when you learn to play her well, you will enjoy her a lot. Many people think ashe is a noob champion, cause of abilities and price, but she is a very deadly champion. A well played ashe can turn everything up and down in a team fight. The great stun arrow, and the freeze so people can't escape from her volley is very sweet. But remember always to stay background in the fights. Never rush to the middle of the battle and make yourself vulnereable to your enemy. Ashe is a support champion, and to carry probly with her, you need to stay in the back, and sneak in your damage.

If you remember all those things, you will be all fine.

Hope you enjoyed my guide, and hope you will enjoy playing ashe ;) !

Ripper Creep's Guide.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ripper creep
Ripper creep Ashe Guide
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Ashe - Fast Kills

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