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Ashe Build Guide by RankSS

Ashe - The Critical Queen

Ashe - The Critical Queen

Updated on August 22, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author RankSS Build Guide By RankSS 2,555 Views 0 Comments
2,555 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author RankSS Ashe Build Guide By RankSS Updated on August 22, 2011
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在这里你会发现全新的Ashe玩法以及所有攻略,从最简单开始。首先,必须得知道Ashe是那类角色。Ashe,是一个完美的AD Carry,她有订人以及慢人招数,和充分的开战标准,简直是一位非常NB的角色。以下我会更详细的解释所有攻略过程。
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Greater Mark of Desolation 物穿必须品,不需多说。
Greater Seal of Critical Damage 虽然不是最强但未必最弱。这可换成 Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration Greater Seal of Evasion
Greater Glyph of Attack Speed 攻速是所有AD的看家本领,越高越好,追杀越快。
Greater Quintessence of Movement Speed Ashe的移动速度实在太慢。
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Ashe - The Critical Queen

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