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Ashe Build Guide by lassebramer

Attack speed yes please

Attack speed yes please

Updated on July 6, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lassebramer Build Guide By lassebramer 2,762 Views 2 Comments
2,762 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lassebramer Ashe Build Guide By lassebramer Updated on July 6, 2011
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Hi everybody this is how i like to pley ashe.
I thinks that ashe is one of the eseyest champs to pley, becouse just get attack speed and you own mid-late game.
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For the runes i take crt dmg becouse our crit so mutch with ashes passiv and becouse it owns with ashe.
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For my masteries in offense i go for as, dmg, crt dmg, and arm pen and ignite the other things can be changed its just so i can get Havoc. In Utility i go for haste and xp you dont wont hands of good becouse you dont want to die:)
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The dorans blade can be switch with a dagger od a sword if you wont your build quick up. The last whisper is mostly for the arm pen the dmg i just a bonus:D I like the boots becouse with them + ghost and your frost shot no one slip away. You get phantom dancer for the as and crt chance. The thing about infinity egde you get for the high crt dmg it gives you. Sword of the divine attack speed!:D You can change the black cleaver with medreds if you dont going agenst a big tank.
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Skill Sequence

Let wxplain it fast. Volly is best so get that lvl 5 fast. Get one lvl in frost shot then go for the hawk, for the extra money
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Summoner Spells

I have ghost becouse its so easy to get a kill if someone tryes to run instead of fighting back when you are ashe becouse of your frost slow. Then i have ignite just to finish them of if they get to close to their tower.
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Pros / Cons

Good attack speed
High damege on crit ( almoste every time)
Good range
Low health
The more experienced will go for you first so watch.
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Last hitting

A very importend thing to do with Ashe is to last hitting. If your going mid vs a renger then dont try to att him/her erly game just last hit creeps if trere is to creeps on low health use your volly. If your going agenst a melee mid or to melees top or bot, then just dont let them last hit. Keep them away with your normal att and last hit with your volly and your normal att if possible.
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A little fun :)

In almoste every game you can get a kil on very long range with your ulti, if they homecall if he runs on the same lane as you so you dont have to time it and so on. The arrow is also very usefull if your mates get ganget then fire the arrow and theh will get slowet of the splash slow:D
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Alot things of this guide can be changed. I just sey that if you get dmg instead of as you wont have the same dmg over time as if you get as.

Get as and it wil all go fine!:D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lassebramer
lassebramer Ashe Guide
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Attack speed yes please

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