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Aatrox Build Guide by lillildipsy

Middle Beginners guide to aatrox (solo mid)

Middle Beginners guide to aatrox (solo mid)

Updated on May 6, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lillildipsy Build Guide By lillildipsy 2,355 Views 0 Comments
2,355 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author lillildipsy Aatrox Build Guide By lillildipsy Updated on May 6, 2017
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Aatrox - gear and the reasons why

Blade of the ruined king
This is mostly here for extra damage, attack speed and lifesteal. but its unique passive can be useful
Deaths dance
This is for the extra attack damage and extra healing and the other passive can give you a chance to survive a fatal attack
Duskblade of drakthaar
This is here becuase the movement speed and lethality boost are almost neccisary, but the extra damage is a nice touch
The black cleaver
this is here for the extra max health and cooldown reduction, damage is a nice extra but the armour shred and the rage effects are nice
The bloodthirster
its here for the extra damage, lifesteal and its perk that gives you a powerful shield with this hero
Trinity force
This is here for the attack speed bonus, this is almost neccisary with this build
The spellblade passive is useful becuase it allows for a powerful hit if used correctly
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Runes and why

The runes are to compliment the most neccisary stats of the build
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Masteries and why

The masteries are simply selected to increase damage and lifesteal
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To sum up

Not many weaknesses
High lifesteal and dps
Potential to either keep you alive for a long time or deal incredible damage
able to easily solo lanes
Weak to turrets
sneak attacks can easily defeat you, the same with being grouped up on
Gold is hard to gain at times
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League of Legends Build Guide Author lillildipsy
lillildipsy Aatrox Guide
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Beginners guide to aatrox (solo mid)

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