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LeBlanc Build Guide by gapilongo

AP Carry Best LeBlanc Build

AP Carry Best LeBlanc Build

Updated on October 7, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gapilongo Build Guide By gapilongo 2,608 Views 1 Comments
2,608 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author gapilongo LeBlanc Build Guide By gapilongo Updated on October 7, 2014
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Ranked Play

NEVER First Pick LeBlanc in Rank/Draft [Risky]

If you care about winning your game, you really do not want to first pick LeBlanc, she is meant to be a counter to champions. If you first pick her, and you get counter picked, you will hate playing her because you will feel useless and stupid for doing so. Every champion not listed above in the Matchups are champions that LeBlanc have no problem laning against.

5 Dashes

Yes, LeBlanc has 5 dashes if you count your Distortion's (W) double active with Mimic (R) and flash.
Utilize LeBlanc's crazy mobility to the best you can. If you are in a teamfight and are trying to instantly burst the person farthest to the back, or chasing. Use your W first to go in and Flash after to close the gap and use your combo on them and press W to return.

If you are chasing a person that's far away who is 1 hit left, W in Flash and then Mimic. The reason you want to mimic last is because your dash does damage upon impact, and you'll have 2 farther apart "portals" to get back to.

Juking & Escaping

Because of patch 4.17, LeBlanc's Distortion (W) now last 4 SECONDS from 3, more opportunities for juking. When you are running away from an uncomfortable position, the best way is to run in the jungle or somewhere with fog of war. Run into the brush and W away, and if they chase/flash and catch up to you press W again and run the opposite direction.

If you are running from a person with crazy mobility like Ahri, W away and Ult/Flash and if they burn their flashes and gap closers to catch up to you, W backwards and run the opposite direction.

If you are running away from a person with a skill shot that stuns (Ashe for example) W away and when u see the skill shot pass your portal and about to hit you, press W again (this will move you back a little closer to them) to dodge it.


Your main combo to kill someone in range of you will be Q>R>W>E or Q>R>E>W. If you need to gap close to kill someone, W>Q>R>E ( W right on top of them for damage and Q>R and pop the R with your E). When you are chasing someone to kill them with a chain, don't auto attack them, but instead, walk to the direction they are running too so you can get a lead on them and finish them off when your Q gets back up.

You can also W>R>Q>E, but it is very situational; because they buffed LeBlanc's W, it does a good amount of damage, so do not hesitate to repeat your W with R for damage and gap closure.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author gapilongo
gapilongo LeBlanc Guide
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