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Nocturne Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

Jungle Best Nocturne Guide JUNGLE/TOP ! [14.16]

Jungle Best Nocturne Guide JUNGLE/TOP ! [14.16]

Updated on August 17, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 4,149 Views 0 Comments
4,149 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Nocturne Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on August 17, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

Best Nocturne Guide JUNGLE/TOP ! [14.16]

By TryMeIfUDare


Why Should I Play Nocturne?
Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare, is one of the most terrifying and exciting League of Legends champions to play. As a jungler focused on darkness and fear, Nocturne brings forth a very unique and powerful way to play the game. His ability to single out and kill important targets, along with his map-wide ultimate, makes him a formidable foe in the hands of a good player. Listed here are only some of the reasons that make Nocturne the perfect champion if you are thinking of playing him.

First and foremost, his ultimate ability, Paranoia, is arguably one of the most iconic game-changing abilities in League of Legends. The whole map will plunge into darkness, meaning severely limiting all enemy players' vision and allowing Nocturne to dash toward a targeted enemy champion from a great distance. Such a sudden and terrifying engage can put huge pressure on the enemy team, since they are always playing carefully, never knowing when Nocturne might strike. Paranoia isn't only useful for getting kills; it is also an extremely psychologically powerful tool in opposing hands, wrecking the enemy game plan and causing them to fall into mistakes.

The other reason Nocturne should be played is because of his high, great dueling power. Nocturne's kit is tailored to high burst damage. Duskbringer provides him with strong damage output, mostly in 1v1 situations, thanks to Umbra Blades. His Unspeakable Horror is a fear effect that makes opponents not want to fight back or retreat at all. This makes Nocturne a very formidable assassin, one who can easily take out squishy targets like an enemy carry or an isolated champion, snatching victory for his side in no time.

Nocturne does a fast and clean jungle clear. His Q Duskbringer provides damage but also movement speed and attack damage increases, making him able to pass the jungle quite fast and secure objectives. His Umbra Blades passive increases area-of-effect damage and healing, further enhancing his jungle sustain. This great clearing potential allows Nocturne to farm up efficiently—to gain levels quickly, and thus be prepared for ganking lanes or contesting other neutral objectives early in a match.

Besides these hard duelist and jungler aspects, Nocturne presses a great amount of pressure on the map. His ultimate, combined with his mobility and burst damage, means he's a constant threat to all lanes at all times. This forces the enemy team to always be aware of Nocturne's ultimate cooldown and positioning, which puts them in a defensively oriented playstyle and generally cements their aggressive options. This kind of map-wide influence is particularly valuable in solo queue, where surprise plays and picks can easily snowball into a decisive advantage.

Another reason Nocturne is such a popular champion is his thematic appeal. As the embodiment of nightmares, Nocturne features dark, eerie design that feels hauntingly visceral, evoking an immersive and intense gaming experience with his chilling voice lines and shadowy abilities. For players who enjoy champions with a sinister vibe, mysterious and full of threat, Nocturne delivers on that fantasy, making every game feel like a horror story where you happen to be the lurking danger.

Nocturne's playstyle is rather easy, though rewarding. The ease by which one can understand his kit is met with the timing and positioning of his ultimate, along with decision-making in fights, presenting depth that will keep gamers engaged. Nocturne rewards players who can play aggressively, are proactive, and quick to act to their instincts, making him a great champion for those who love high-risk, high-reward gameplay.

In summary, Nocturne is a champion whose identity revolves around powerful mapwide pressure, exceptional dueling capabilities, and an immersive and rather fear-inducing theme. With his ultimate and jungle pressure potentially splitting up the enemy team, this champion is a force to be reckoned with in the right hands. Whether you're a player all about the thrill of hunting enemies down from the shadows or someone who just enjoys wreaking havoc and fear, Nocturne will be the champion to keep one on the edge of their seat.

    Global Presence
    High Burst Damage
    Excellent Dueling
    Fast Jungle Clear
    Strong Engage and Disruption
    Simple and Direct Playstyle
    Sustain in Jungle

    Vulnerable to Crowd Control
    Mediocre Late Game
    Predictable Playstyle
    Limited Crowd Control
    High Risk, High Reward
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Nocturne Guide
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