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Veigar Build Guide by TryMeIfUDare

Middle Best Veigar Guide MID ! [14.17]

Middle Best Veigar Guide MID ! [14.17]

Updated on September 4, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare 8 4 47,446 Views 0 Comments
8 4 47,446 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare Veigar Build Guide By TryMeIfUDare Updated on September 4, 2024
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Champion Build Guide

Best Veigar Guide MID ! [14.17]

By TryMeIfUDare

Why Should I Play Veigar?
Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil, is arguably one of the most iconic and most enjoyable mid-lane champions in League of Legends. What makes him a champion able to turn around any game with his overwhelming late-game ability is his infinite scaling ability power and devastating burst damage. If you're thinking of playing Veigar, here are a few reasons that might make him the perfect champion for you.

First and foremost, Veigar has the strongest scaling at late game because of his specific scaling mechanic. With his passive, Phenomenal Evil Power, he earns permanent ability power whenever he hits any enemy champion with an ability or kills a minion using his abilities. This means that his damage actually increases throughout the game, thus giving him nearly unlimited scaling potential. While this makes him an incredibly satisfying champion, as you can palpably feel your power increasing with each successful spell cast, you can play him with a different reason: his tremendous burst damage. One of his abilities is Veigar's R – Primordial Burst. It is one of the most feared abilities in the game, capable of deleting squishy targets with a single click. The combination of his Event Horizon and Dark Matter really allows Veigar to set up devastating combos that can instantly eliminate enemy champions. This helps make him a feared team fighter, able to slay such targets and turn the tide in favor of his team.

Event Horizon by itself is a game-changing ability. It's massive, strong crowd control that stuns all enemies near, sandwiching them perfectly for Veigar and his fellow champions to set up kills. It's great for zoning enemies, controlling areas, and providing important peel to your team right in the middle of the fight. Good positioning and timing can turn Event Horizon Veigar into a capable playmaker who can turn it around on even the most aggressive opponents.

Veigar also offers some relatively simple gameplay that is easy to pick up but rewarding to master alongside his fighting ability. While his kit is rather simple, the requirements in terms of scaling and positioning provide depth that better players will appreciate. Veigar's reliance on skillshots and using his Event Horizon tactically introduces an element of tactical decision-making, which can be very engaging to players who enjoy outsmarting their opponents.

Another reason Veigar draws in a lot of players is his thematic appeal. This tiny yordle has grand ambitions to be the greatest sorcerer there ever was, and it shows in his character. His wit, voice lines, dark sense of humor, and awkward design make him a champion both funny and menacing. Veigar is able to deliver this fantasy in droves for those players in love with the idea of overwhelming magical power encased within a small, otherwise unassuming package.

Veigar is, ultimately, a champion who scales endlessly, deals immense burst damage, and hosts some extremely powerful, on-demand crowd controls—DetailView: Strong and Exciting Pick for the Mid Lane. He becomes one of the most satisfying champions in League of Legends to play, especially when his ability to carry games into the late game and assassinate enemies with one spell offers such great appeal. Whether you are a new player looking for a champion that is easy to learn but powerful, or a veteran player who wants to crush your enemies in the late game, Veigar will reward you with powerful spells and endless enjoyment.

    Infinite Scaling
    Massive Burst Damage
    Strong Crowd Control
    Excellent Wave Clear
    Simple yet Rewarding Playstyle
    Powerful Late Game
    Thematic Appeal

    Weak Early Game
    Low Mobility
    Skill Shot Reliant
    Fragile and Squishy
    Vulnerable to Hard Engage
    Reliance on Farm
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League of Legends Build Guide Author TryMeIfUDare
TryMeIfUDare Veigar Guide
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