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Skarner Build Guide by Dawnlicker

AD Carry Blaster Jungle Skarner 5.13

AD Carry Blaster Jungle Skarner 5.13

Updated on July 15, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker Build Guide By Dawnlicker 4,306 Views 0 Comments
4,306 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker Skarner Build Guide By Dawnlicker Updated on July 15, 2015
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Who rocks grooves and makes moves with all the mommys?

Skarner. That's right.
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Purchase Order? Runes? Masteries? Abilities?

Purchase Order
Devourer is first prio, get them stacks, son.
Rush Iceborn because you can't land your skillshot and that makes you worthless otherwise.
Ruin King Helps for good jungle clears.
Wits end is the 3rd wheel, but this is a trike, bandana hoss.

Skarner does fine early in jg, so you get the most bang pow out of the scaling def runes. Attack speed because you want to double tap poor orphans with your sated devourer as much as possible.

Masteries are common core, cowboy.

Abilities? Q blast son.

VS champs? Idk all the champs, feel this one out yourself, skarner isn't the pure death powerhouse that other jungle men are.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Dawnlicker
Dawnlicker Skarner Guide
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Blaster Jungle Skarner 5.13

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