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Blitzcrank Build Guide by cowabunga777

Support BLITZ!!! A Build Guide To Maximize Speed (Just For Fun)

Support BLITZ!!! A Build Guide To Maximize Speed (Just For Fun)

Updated on December 27, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cowabunga777 Build Guide By cowabunga777 6,696 Views 0 Comments
6,696 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author cowabunga777 Blitzcrank Build Guide By cowabunga777 Updated on December 27, 2016
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Need For Speed

This build guide puts the blitz in blitzcrank. It will be incredibly fun to play and will annoy the enemy team on a whole new level. Almost every item in this build will provide some sort of speed or mobility. Talisman of Ascension active gives you and a surrounding allied champion a speed boost, and also passively increases movement speed when near turrets. Mobility Boots provide huge speed buff out of combat so you can position yourself in the optimum location for team-fights or help you cover distance over the rift in minimum amount of time. Hextech Rocketbelt provides a short dash with AOE slow. Lich Bane gives an extra 7% movement speed, and Dead Man's Plate gives increasing movement speed over time out of combat. Sounds like fun right? I promise you it will be.
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Pros / Cons

- Incredible movement speed
- Maximum CDR
- Lich Bane / Dead Man's passives combine yielding BIG first hit dmg
- Protobelt active is great for initiating / positioning
- Good ratio of tank to AP

- Trading some tank / support items for AP and movement speed
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League of Legends Build Guide Author cowabunga777
cowabunga777 Blitzcrank Guide
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BLITZ!!! A Build Guide To Maximize Speed (Just For Fun)

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