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Blitzcrank Build Guide by VampireCampfire



Updated on September 6, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VampireCampfire Build Guide By VampireCampfire 2,637 Views 0 Comments
2,637 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author VampireCampfire Blitzcrank Build Guide By VampireCampfire Updated on September 6, 2017
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Welcome to the Borkcrank top guide. This guide will help you play Blitzcrank top and Bork little Teemos and other unsuspecting champs.
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Pros / Cons

Great Borking burst
Q is a KO punch mid-late game.
Decent escape with W
Late game 40% CDR = 12 sec ULTs
Massive Surprise DmG to top laner
Zhonyas>ULT= Dirty Bork

Dislikes Teemo
Defensive/passive play style
Struggles to Farm
Will always lose Turret first.
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Unique Skills

Okay so your up against that Blitzcrank supp again, that annoying tanky machine that can grab your buttocks from the unknown, that stinky knock up of his, that charlie chaplin W escape, that electric fart ULT that you don't think will do much damage but ends up doing much more than you realise and you get merked by the enemy Adc.....and then when you finally think you've got him on the ropes....Mana Barrier, whats that Blitzcrank has a passive? oh dang you forgot. He's also really tanky and quite annoying to play against at any stage of the game.

Okay so we all know them BC feels right? The above picture quite Familiar?

Lets play him TOP.

Now heres the Einstein bit; everyone assumes that this Blitz top is either a troll or that annoying supp they've played against before, tanky and annoying. Uh-OH Spaghettio! Enemy top laner gets lulled into a false sense of security and they play very cocky. Ace in the whole you Bork them with AP.

No one expects it, sure some players can guess, but most of the time they never realise you are AP until you've killed them a few times then they either get mad that they got BORKMERKED by a Blitzcrank and Tilt or playing really passive.

How do you play him I hear you say?

Well sure kids here's how:

You play passive. Farm a little here and there but don't get killed. Let your enemies minion waves push to your turret. Play like your scared of the enemy top laner, let him think he's got a easy lane. Then BORK Q. grab there buns under turret Knock-up and let the turret do the rest. Easy kill, your turret is your ADC but you get the kills.....brilliant deals! Do this a few times and you are ready to engage and conky.

Build Zhonyas first if agasint AD or Banshees first against AP simples. Whatever you build first build the other second, then MoreloniBork. Thiese three are your bread N Bork, gives you good resistances, 40% Cdr, good AP, and 2 great abilities. Finish your Sorc boots in between first and second items, the get Rod of Borks and start stacking that while you finish with Rabadons Borkcap. Possible to build these visa Versa also if you need the AP BorkSpike.

Late game you'll be Borking your ULT every 12 seconds, thats alot of flatulence.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author VampireCampfire
VampireCampfire Blitzcrank Guide
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