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Brand Build Guide by iFisk

Brand Mid Build

Brand Mid Build

Updated on August 11, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iFisk Build Guide By iFisk 14,917 Views 0 Comments
14,917 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author iFisk Brand Build Guide By iFisk Updated on August 11, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



To start, I apologise for the bad English. English is not my main language. Now I the beginning Im just gonna be simple, maybe later I will make it advanced later.
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Skill Sequence

Starting with E the safest for harass. U can hide behind minions for Q and just easy run out of W. IF you got a shot so hit Q then hit E fast first. And when she/he is stuned it is easy to blow off ALOT of damage with W.
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This is my way to fight as brand.
In 1v1 I first stun them by using E-Q. Then I blow some damage with W. Then I just chase, or in the worst cases, get chased. Do not just rightclick the enemy. Run beside of him and use abilitys. Exept if they have around 10 hp left, then it's just right at them.
5v5 I start with W and then E and then I try to stun their AD-Carry if possible.
After that I just spam all abilitys.
In some cases i dont need to stun them, like if u have a amumu-galio then I start with Q to get on of the enemys ablaze, then E to get all of them ablaze, and last W to do more damage (W does more damage to ablased units)
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9-0-32 should be a obvious choice on all casters.
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Farming on Brand is easy. Especially when you have some abilitypower. I the beginning I am using W-E on the ranged minions (only when I have blue buff!), try to use this when enemy champions is nearby.. But Brands autoattack isnt to hard to farm with, so u will be fine even without manaregen/5 runes. :)
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Chapter 6

Thanks for looking thru this guide. I will be glad if you leave some response.

Greeting, Fisksmisk
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League of Legends Build Guide Author iFisk
iFisk Brand Guide
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Brand Mid Build

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