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Brand Build Guide by CatAcid

Brand of the Dominion

Brand of the Dominion

Updated on October 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CatAcid Build Guide By CatAcid 6,354 Views 0 Comments
6,354 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CatAcid Brand Build Guide By CatAcid Updated on October 14, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost



This is a fast one. We know brand isn't the mobile kind of champion but dominion can use him well. Runes don't rly matter pick the ones you like. The masteries are set for the summoner spells. Flash & Ghost give brand mobility and make him able of getting to a speed buff quickly or getting in/out fights safely. I'm not an expert but this seems to work. Items are build for ap/cd red and some hp. Dominions fast paced action doesnt require tons of mana so u can go all out with the spells (thus the ap/cd red). Rylais fixes brand squishiness and most importantly gives the slow which is realy handy in getting out of tricky situations. Mostly I try to catch the stormshield whenever I can. The buff with your ultimate & pillar of flame followed by conflagration on a tower that is being catched by 2-3 enemy champions results mostly in a clean tower. This kind of build let's brand do almost anything in dominion. Defending or rather disrupting is easy with the range Brand has and if you learn to use the speed buffs properly you can roam quite good(not as good as let's say Vayne or Yi etc but still).
This is not a pro guide and my first so I'd like some feedback from more experienced players. What do you think. My playthroughs suggest it's viable but maybe you can come up with something better ;]
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CatAcid
CatAcid Brand Guide
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