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Brand Build Guide by Ocktra

Brand REAL Guild of Burning Vengeance

Brand REAL Guild of Burning Vengeance

Updated on February 29, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ocktra Build Guide By Ocktra 1,807 Views 0 Comments
1,807 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ocktra Brand Build Guide By Ocktra Updated on February 29, 2012
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Brand
  • LoL Champion: Brand


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



Brand REAL Guild of Burning Vengeance

Brand is a good champion, buy it or burn! Brand is best on mid, to own the mid are 2 ways : the other player is noob or you can anticipate the enemy better then he can!
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Pros / Cons


High burst
Very decent early game
High amount of AOE
On fire
Can stun very nice


Vulnerable to AD melee
2 skill shot based skills
Hard to master
Somewhat itemreliant
You get bored fast
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The runes of replenishment + Doran RING + Mana Masteries are the perfect combination for mana regen, you get mana more then Dr.Mundo get HP with his ulti! And help a lot to stay on mid

Star as Champion Summoner

++= Best Start!
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This item planer helps you to be better then enemy from min 1 to min 99 =)) Ability power is in perfect balance and mana the same! Exactly what you need!
- Use this for more mana regen and ability power from 1st sec

- Always after the doran

- Brand really need this item from first 5-15 min

- Best way to get AP + HP that is very usefull for Brand

- Always Rabanon and if you want buy Archangel Staff
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+ - As I always say MANA


- AP AP AP AP AP and help for Brand spels!
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Skill Sequence




Also you can use FLASH to get closer!
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My first GUILD :_) and for free RP card contact me at my yahoo ""
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ocktra
Ocktra Brand Guide
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Brand REAL Guild of Burning Vengeance

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