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Brand Build Guide by rG Talent

Brand: The Burning Vengeance

Brand: The Burning Vengeance

Updated on July 15, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rG Talent Build Guide By rG Talent 2,659 Views 0 Comments
2,659 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author rG Talent Brand Build Guide By rG Talent Updated on July 15, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash



**This guide will be updated frequently**

This is my first guide I ever made so i decided to make it on my favorite character, Brand.

Brand is a all around good AP character, he has decent heath and he can nuke pretty well early game, and mid-late game he is very helpful in team battles. Brand is also a very fun and awesome character, I hope you have fun!

Thank you and please comment/vote :D
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Pros / Cons


Very good early game
Very High Damage
Does Well through out middle to late game
Pretty Tanky for a Caster
Very fun


NEED to get ALOT of last hits
His ultimate is not very great considering it can bounce randomly
Is squishy only early game
Not the best nuker in the game
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Since you NEED to focus on last hits while you are laning you want to get as many last hits as possible.

BUT, once you hit level two you can pillar ( W ) and then conflagaration ( E ) and it hits every minion in the conflagarations radius and does alot of damage.
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Greater mark of Insight: Magic Pen is just great to have on any AP champion.

Greater Seal of Potency: AP needed on AP champion and helps early game nuke.

Greater Glyph of Focus: Brand need CDR to get his rotation off faster to kill more.

Greater Quintessence of Potency: AP needed on AP champion and help early game nuke.
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9/0/21 just all around good for any AP champion.

Gives the CDR, AP, Magic Pen, Mana Regen, and More Experience! :D
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Summoner Spells

You want exhaust to make them take more damage and do less damage. Also, to slow them down so you can hit them with your stun easier and get your combo off.

And flash is a good spell to escape or to get into action.
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Dorans Ring: Lets you have good damage at levels 1-6 for that early nuke.

Rod of Ages: Good suvivability, good AP.

Rylais: Good AP, suvivability, and the slow helps ALOT.

Rabadons: Amazing AP.

Morellos: Good AP and CDR.

Void Staff: Good AP and Magic Pen.
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Skill Sequence

You want to conflagiration ( E ), then sear ( Q ), so you stun them, then pillar ( W ), and that does very well damage, and once you hit level 6 at the end after your pillar you can ulti them ( R ), and they will most likely die.
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Team Work

Brand can do very well in team battles by stunning someone at the beginning by doing you conflagaration ( E ) and then Sear ( Q ) and then pillar ( W ) for damage .

Also, Brands ultimate works really well in team battles if you can get your ultimate off while the enemy is all grouped up and there are no minions around and it will bounce to all the champions and do massive damage.
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So Brand is an all around good character, is very fun to play, and is good all the way from early game to late game

I hope this guide helped you learn Brand better and I hope you do good.

Thank you and please Comment/Vote :D
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League of Legends Build Guide Author rG Talent
rG Talent Brand Guide
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Brand: The Burning Vengeance

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