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Brand Build Guide by sunsik

Brand - The Mid Laner

Brand - The Mid Laner

Updated on December 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sunsik Build Guide By sunsik 2,272 Views 0 Comments
2,272 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author sunsik Brand Build Guide By sunsik Updated on December 29, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Brand - The mid Laner , Brand , its an very god ap middle laner , can easly farm and get a lot of god , using combos can easly get kills with stun , blaze and ignite . Brand is an hard champ cuz u need to be fast and ever , but ever u need to know the next move by the enemy . You need to play defensive , using range spells and combos .
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From start , i take Doran's Ring and going middle and farm for more gold . When a have like 300+ gold i go back to the base and if i get 860+ gold , i buy Blasting Wand or Needlessly large Rod . Afther that , i go back to the mid , farm a little bit more using combos W+E and if i can , i go make some gangs trying to get duble kill's with combos , W+Q or E+Q for stun , then W or E and using ultimate R and Ignite . Afther that , i have some gold , going back to base i buy Sorcerer's Shoes . I go back search for gangs and farm again , when i have gold i buy second item , that will be Rabadon's Deathcap and if i have gold i buy also some red and blue pots . Now i go to get golem blue buff and make again farm or gangs , than its easly , get gold and buy Rylai's Crystal Scepter. Afther that items , i continuing with Rabadon's Deathcap's .
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For farming , i chose first spell W and second E . For farm its good to know to using W where its more minions and afther W spell , minions on the area will be Blaze'd with fire , and then i use E on one minion with Blaze on him . That i can get easly gold , remember W+E .
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For runes , i use full AP , that means all runes , Mark , Seal , Glyph and Quintessence need to be Ap+ not ap on lever 18 or staffs like this.
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Team Fight - Gangs

Brand its an very good ganger and at team fights he can easly get one kill or a lot . For team fight's , brand need to stay back , and using combos , first of all use W and try Q for stun and then E for dmg , if u cant , try to use W and then Ultimate . Brand's Ultimate its very awesome when target's its allready blaze , ulty get more speed and get fast throgh the targets and get a lot of damage , when u get ultimate , try to use again combos for stun W+Q or E+Q . If u can use what i'v writhed here , u need to get almost one kill .
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League of Legends Build Guide Author sunsik
sunsik Brand Guide
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Brand - The Mid Laner

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Teamfight Tactics Guide