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Brand Build Guide by JuiCZ

Brand - The Teamfight Rapist

Brand - The Teamfight Rapist

Updated on October 8, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author JuiCZ Build Guide By JuiCZ 3,090 Views 1 Comments
3,090 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author JuiCZ Brand Build Guide By JuiCZ Updated on October 8, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


This is not a guide I just wanna know what you think about my build.

I have played about 500 games with Brand and about 400 with this build. My usual end score is 15/5/25 and I got First Blood on mid almost every time. Only champs who can get me on mid are Le Blanc and Kassadin. Lane Brand is also good but if you get 3 kills before your tower is down you are superpower in teamfights and if you have capable tank you cant lose. If I will have time I maybe write a guide how to handle Brand. Thanks for commentaries to the build.
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Summoner spells

Flash + Ignite! Dont even think of something else. It will let you get first blood ridiculously easy. Just harras your opponent with pillar of flames followed by conflagration. Try to keep him ablaze for most of the time. If you can get him to about 300hp you just flash (under tower if its necessary) and just ablaze him with conflagration and ignite him. Run back and just wait for the nice voice sayin "You have slain an enemy!"
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Just to explain my build choice.

Hextech Revolver => Will of Ancients - You are one of the best mid chars and with this you can get some AP for low price and with Spell vamp you can stay on lane for ages. In late game if you run into a teamfight and cast everything you have you will almost immediately get healed all your life.

Fiendish codex => Morrelos Evil Tome - Cooldowns. With your runes and masteries you will have 35% CD reduction + 33/5sec MR. That does mean one thing - you dont need blue! Teamfight is simple for you now, you get into the teamfight, aim your Pyroclasm for low hp chars and as soon as theyre ablaze you cast Pillar of flame. Choose one of ablazed chars and use conflagration on them and with Sear stun the one who focuses you. Get back for about 3 sec and you can go finish it because your CDs are ready!

Rabbadons Deathcap- Tons of AP which Brand really needs. But dont rush on it, WoA and Morello you should have before Rabbadon. I usually have this in about 28-35 minutes.

Banshees Veil - With this and lately Rylai you will have 2,6K hp. With that much hp you dont have to be scared of running in the middle of teamfight cuz you need to catch the right ones with Pyroclasm. (Guardian Angel is good choice as well)

Voidstaff - AP + penetration. Tons of AP without penetration are useless. Dont underestimate this thing.

Rylais Scepter - AP + HP. You are now immortal if you dont fail your possitioning. No one can chase you now because of your slow + stun. And with tons of hp and spell vamp you are really hard to kill.

Sorry for broken english. Id be grateful for your opinions ;)
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