I pray every night for this matchup when he jumps stun him hide under three turrets and snowball him into the ground
max out your rockets and enjoy a free lane don't let yourself get bellow 50% health and he can never kill you
as long as you can poke him bellow 50% health you can beat him when he all ins you space your turrets out so he can't crowd control them
his ult steals your ability power witch is useless for him just stun under turrets and roll him take TP you don't want him on your towers
he has to all in you to kill you just make sure you stay in between your turrets while spacing them out
he is a little tough but just stay in turrets and keep two in case he ults you take Exhaust btw it's a good ban
Stay in your turrets don’t get stunned and I like to stack them all on top of each other so she can’t dive them 1 at a time take Exhaust and you get a kill every time you stun rocket combo
his wind wall is a pain to deal with thank god he isn't a top lanner rn
he can poke you and your turrets all game and stay out of range try to freeze the lane and try to combo stun ult rocket and you can 100-0 him
try to auto him early and poke him a lot You won’t trade a lot it’ll be a low kill game for both of you when he gets feed up and goes in stun ult him and be toxic
If they play Adc top to counter you GG that dosnt counter Heim
She can jump you you gotta play around turrets and hit your stun but you should win
Every Atrox I’ve played against has raged and said I’m not a real champ he can be effective with ganks but it’s free build anti tank and anti heal
Dr. Mundo
You win this he can’t be stunned but he can be killed I like master yi for this matchup
Tahm Kench
While your turrets are up you will never lose I love this matchup have fun making the game bell for them
He destroys towers never leave him alone and you win this matchup as long as you don’t feed stay in towers to dodge his thing I like to ban Him
When she back flips throw your stun throw down a turret you win every time
You win against ADC top ask for a lot of ganks because it’s free
Before level 6 he’s not a problem after level 6 take Exhaust barrier and space out your turrets and he can’t do anything
Kite him when he dives he’ll find you a pain also take stopwatch
a good Nasus will take Doran's ring and use W Until your turrets die and all in you and win a bad nasus is a free lane for you i like to ban because its a boring lane
Push lane prevent her from getting C’s their jungle with jump you so just hold turrets and ult for that unless you get her with a stun rocket ult
His ult will make it hard to run and he will poke your turrets if he is good you lose dodge barrels and hope you land a good E
You counter him hard take exhaust and it’s it when he dives you he will eventually give up and go behind your tower don’t chase just wait him out and take hullbreaker if you wanna mess with him
Just a pain to fight with her all in potential
he is just a stronger champ the whole game kills turrets and jumps you but he is played alot less top lame
he is really tanky but you can melt him and keep him under tower watch out for ganks buy wards and watch him mald
He’s a menace with his all in’s keep poking him for free and don’t let him dive
play safe and ward make sure she gets nothing push tower
Play safe lvl 1 he falls off hard you stomp him take ignite fight under towers and space out your turrets 2 dashes than stun him
why is he playing top? you beat him all game try to fight with turrets
wind wall is a pain only use stuff if he is on you stay in turrets dodge
farm him watch for ganks
Play aggressive when 3 turrets are up bait the stun with your body and she doesn't build any MR so max it out
Block her E with Q kill tentacles 🐙 and make her play around Q stun her when she locks in and free lane pretty much
weird pick top take
he cant all in you play iin turrets and win
just play safe he does alot of damage but can fall off build stopwatch and this is an exiting match take barrier
is a pain to play against
if your team plays her they can't
its nice to combo his ult to hide turrets or pressure towers
if your team plays her they can't
its nice to combo his ult to hide turrets or pressure towers
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