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Teemo Build Guide by XilixbertoBR

Captain Teemo on DUTY

Captain Teemo on DUTY

Updated on July 28, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XilixbertoBR Build Guide By XilixbertoBR 1,642 Views 0 Comments
1,642 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author XilixbertoBR Teemo Build Guide By XilixbertoBR Updated on July 28, 2011
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Pros / Cons

- A lot of Life steal (50% with 2 max Bloodthister)
- Teemo will be a very good pusher
- Teemo can walk much fast ( more his ability, he's movement is more then 500)

- Teemo has very little health
- Teemo has little mana(to put mushrooms and to bliding darts)
- Teemo's poison don't take much health
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This it's a DPS build for Teemo. He has much little health but a biggest LEFESTEAL(50%) and a high damage( more then 380), and 85% of chance to hit a critical damage ( and his critical damage hits 250% of his normal attack).

RUNES: I don't know those runes are correct, because I'm starting use runes.

I don't know english much well, then can have much mistakes in my texts.
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Phantom Dancer: Why two phantom dancer?? this is because of the critical chance and attack speed, then Teemo stays with two attacks per second and +60% of critical chance, more the movent speed. HE STAYS MUCH FAST!!

The Bloothrister: TWO BLOOD THISTER?? Why not malady?? Why not BLACK CLEAVER or Madred's Blood razor?? this it's because of Life steal and The attack of bloodthister. when bloodthister maximized, it takes 100 of damage and 25% of life steal, it is a lot. Malady cost 1850 and u can buy it after Berserker's Greaves. But u can take more 250 of gold and buy B.F. sword and Vampiric Scepter.If u want, you can buy FROZEN MALLET in place of the second Bloodthirs(to more life and slow the targget), but u lost much life steal and attack.

Berserker's Greaves: This build has 2 phantom dancers, Why Berserker's Greaves?? With this boots, u stay with 2 attacks per second, and u dont need more movement spped because u have 2 phantom dancers and your skill increase your movement speed.

Infinity Edge: with this more your two phantom dancers, you stay with 85% of chance to do a critical damage, and it's A LOT! And your critical strike hit 250%, this it's a important item for this build.
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Creeping / Jungling

When you close this build, you can do any Creep alone (INCLUDING BARON!!)
And you can creep to heal your life by your life steal ( everyone knows)
You can kill the creeps to maximized the BLOODTHISTER.
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Summoner Spells

I sugest this summoner spells, the FLASH to u scape ou kill someone ( obviusly ), but I don't know how to use well EXHAUSTED, then I take teleport.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author XilixbertoBR
XilixbertoBR Teemo Guide
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Captain Teemo on DUTY

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