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Ability Order
Serpentine Grace (PASSIVE)
Cassiopeia Passive Ability
Also if you would like to try out of LeTz send me a pm!
One more thing please do not trash my build this is my 2nd build and i try and make it the best i can do i am still learning how to make this a awsome build so if you coould shoot me some tips in a pm that would be great! Also if any one could tell me how to get my idem in my small tabs so when people put their curser over it, they can see the idem or attacks stats
For the summoner spells
Do Not pick
Summoner spells i suggest
Telport (when yer in enemy nexus telporting to minion helps alot)
Arnt best but not the worst
Do Not pick
Summoner spells i suggest
Telport (when yer in enemy nexus telporting to minion helps alot)
Arnt best but not the worst
there are so good and bad things to every char in lol here is the things abt this char
Good damage all game
Easy to farm
Good fighting all type of char
good in team fighting and 2v1
melee stun=Death 70% of time
Easy target to gank
not the best at fighting tanks
slow attack speed
Good damage all game
Easy to farm
Good fighting all type of char
good in team fighting and 2v1
melee stun=Death 70% of time
Easy target to gank
not the best at fighting tanks
slow attack speed
For a build that pawns with 600+ abilty power if u build right
Frist start with
Then get yer lev 1 boots
Now yer gunna get a soul steal
Now start yer build for
Now get yer boots of swift
Then Id start to get or
Then i get a litch blade
After get the idem you dint earlier
Then to finish yer build get these 2 idems
It dosent matter what way u get these idem just make sure you have got all of them in
But ending list will be something like this
Finished build click here
Frist start with
Then get yer lev 1 boots
Now yer gunna get a soul steal
Now start yer build for
Now get yer boots of swift
Then Id start to get or
Then i get a litch blade
After get the idem you dint earlier
Then to finish yer build get these 2 idems
It dosent matter what way u get these idem just make sure you have got all of them in
But ending list will be something like this
Finished build click here
Here is finished run list [
url=]Finished run list (click here)
url=]Finished run list (click here)
My opinion the is not the best jungle character if you would like to jungle id reccomend playing nocturne. It is posible to jungle with this character I'd most of time have back up when i jungle because i go for the golem frist the i go for wolfs and stuff and at level 6 i go for the lizard and at 10-12 i go for the dragon =)
This character is good for taunting enemy champion because she is a range character and her ult is a nice stun you can use on people in front of a turret
This champion is good on ambushing the enemy by running through jungle and ganking the enemy at low hp
This character is good for taunting enemy champion because she is a range character and her ult is a nice stun you can use on people in front of a turret
This champion is good on ambushing the enemy by running through jungle and ganking the enemy at low hp
In team fights/Ganks this charter id give a B+ Or A- one of reasons is a stun to stop enemy so help yer team mate escape and hit hit the target on low hp
Her Miasma attack helps BIG TIME in team fights
Noxious if a good attack that helps to with a splash and helps with speed boost when the enemy attempts to run
Twin fang is a nice attack to spam and Kill steal and get yer team mates rageing.... Lol
Her Miasma attack helps BIG TIME in team fights
Noxious if a good attack that helps to with a splash and helps with speed boost when the enemy attempts to run
Twin fang is a nice attack to spam and Kill steal and get yer team mates rageing.... Lol
To max out yer game play and make sure its fun, Do not start arguing on all char just ignore them
And if yer teammate Goes KS or Kill Steal yer trash just ignore them most likely their loosers that play this game 24/7 and rage all the time
Make sure even if yer team mate like ash kill steals with her ult dont rage thats most valuable thing
And if yer teammate Goes KS or Kill Steal yer trash just ignore them most likely their loosers that play this game 24/7 and rage all the time
Make sure even if yer team mate like ash kill steals with her ult dont rage thats most valuable thing
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