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Cho'Gath Build Guide by SuicidalWer3Wolf



Updated on October 27, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuicidalWer3Wolf Build Guide By SuicidalWer3Wolf 1,478 Views 0 Comments
1,478 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SuicidalWer3Wolf Cho'Gath Build Guide By SuicidalWer3Wolf Updated on October 27, 2012
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pretty much ima show you how i play cho top lane..
1. as you can see in my runes i go flat ap quints magic pen reds flat armor yellow and flat magic resist blues

2. for masteries i go 9-21-0 if you want you can change up the defensive tree

3. summoner spells ignite flash.. ignite is to secure kills and flash for escapes.ect

4. skill sequence what i do is max E then W and max Q last... R>E>W>Q .. id lvl up q last because if you dnt land ur Q your gonna be waste alot of mana

5. item build i start boots and pots.. then i get dorans ring... then depending on enemy champ i either get magic resist or armor.. then i finish merc threads... then i get glacial shroud... then negatron cloack... i finish either frozen heart or abyssal septar... then i get wits end... for my last item i either get more ap like rod of ages or atmas impaler.. wat u wanna do is be the tank and take as much damage for your team and disrupt the enemy team and try to eat the ad carry if you can.. and when you have full set you can sell the ring for any item you want but id recommend tanky items or items that give you defense + damage like frozen heart/rylias crystal septar/ ect.

6. BASICALLY A SUMMARY FOR THIS /\ .. is take MERC THREADS FROZEN HEART ABYSAL SEPTAR DORANS RING(you can switch out later when you hav completed ur build ) the last 2 items are up to you and depend on the enemy ... but id recommend to take ROD OF AGES for tankiness and ap and ATMAS IMPALER for tankiness and ad/crit
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cho is easy top lane because you can farm creeps and harass at the same time... and by last hitting creeps you regn health and mana from last hitting ... (last hitting real important) thats why i take E lvl 1 for the harass
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Laning 1v1

what you wanna do is last hit creeps and face your enemy so they can take damage while you farm.. this will benefit you because your farming/gaining health&mana while you damage your oppoent.. and every now and then use your Q and W and try to auto attack him/her

kill phase.. once you know you have enough mana/health to kill your enemy try to land your Q W and then ignite and R or vise versa ... if you dnt have enough mana try to last hit so you can regn some mana&health
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So Yea

cho gath is pretty much safe pick for top lane because of his sustain and his ability to harass while farming and his true damage ult... id say cho gath is one of the best top lane champs out there
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Thank You

thank you for reading and hopefully i shed some light and helped you guys a bit... PEACE

if you want to add me go ahead

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League of Legends Build Guide Author SuicidalWer3Wolf
SuicidalWer3Wolf Cho'Gath Guide
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