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Cho'Gath Build Guide by UnrealBlackHero

Cho'Gath like GODzilla

Cho'Gath like GODzilla

Updated on January 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UnrealBlackHero Build Guide By UnrealBlackHero 2,080 Views 0 Comments
2,080 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author UnrealBlackHero Cho'Gath Build Guide By UnrealBlackHero Updated on January 30, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



This is for the ones who want's to get 21/0 or better. You will don't have to jungle, but really can't die, or feed.
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I had chose that runes because you will be a tank. That runes will give for you armor, health and magic resistence.
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This masteries is for give you more armor, health and magic resistence.
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This itens is for give you much health regen and more armor, health, magic resistence and attack damage.
Now why this itens:
Regrowth Pendant: will give you a bit of health regen and it will be really good at the early.
Boots of Swifness: will help you to run and don't feed. (I want to tell again, stay in defensive 'cause you will make really more diference if you just up).
Warmog's Armor: I hope that you know kill more minions, because how many you kill more health you will have :D)
Atma's Impaler will give you more attack damage for more health you have so the more you grow, the more attack you will have.
Force of Nature: it's one of the best itens to tank ever. Will give you many magic defensive and many health regen too.
Forzen Heart: will make you do more skills at time because the cooldow reduction. Yous feast will be ready fast (not really but will help) and the rupture will make more damge more fast.
Guardian Angel: will make you REALLY imortal.
With all this itens and you at level 18 with 6 stacks of the feast will make you win fast. You will can destroy towers without the help of the minions 'cause the tower will make only tickle at you.
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Skill Sequence

Now the skill sequence... I'm not sure that i have made it correctly, but I want that you understand.
The Vorpal spikes will make you have a REALLY advantage at the minions and more damage at champions. That you must have maximum at first the rupture. Why not the rupture first? - you ask. The rupture is really easy to avoid and if you don't hit will don't make diference. The vorpal spikes will make damage if you hit. Just but it's good, not?
Rupture: It's good to make damage at range, especially vs ranged's. If you hit than, you can reach and kill.
Feral scream: it's the least skill that i put point's because will be really good if you combine with the rupture, vs mages will make diference, but only at the final.
Feast: that is the best skill that you have. When you reach the level six, put in that. Ever you can go and kill a neutral monster yo get feast. The more feast you have, the more attack you will have after level 16 and with Atma's Impaler.
Understanded? I'll correct but it will really help.
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Summoner Spells

I have choice the Ghost and Ignite beacuse the Ghost will help you to run (I had already run with ghost and I have survival for 5 traps, all the five of the other team have tryed to kill me). The ignite is for end someone at early in game that you ca't survival the tower.
You can use Flash at the place of the Ghost.
Don't use Smite, Smite is for jungler's that don't have feast.
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Pros / Cons

*At the end the game, you will have potential to enter in the enemy base and destroy it all.
*You will survival all the game without die.
*Just that not really easy to handle.
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Sorry for my inglish...

I don't talk it very well but i hope you understand.
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I want to really thanks for Hell Pet.
All of my guide is based in my games and at Hell Pet's guide.
That's my first guide, please comets.

UnrealBlackHero (at here and at LoL)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author UnrealBlackHero
UnrealBlackHero Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'Gath like GODzilla

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