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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Leainblade

Cho'Gath... Nom dat ***

Cho'Gath... Nom dat ***

Updated on November 14, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leainblade Build Guide By Leainblade 3,736 Views 0 Comments
3,736 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Leainblade Cho'Gath Build Guide By Leainblade Updated on November 14, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Hi just getting this out there this is my first guide so any help is awesome. Cho is my best champ and in my opinion one of the most fun champs to play once mastered. He does take time to master so stay with the chode.
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Pros / Cons

*Awesome farmer
*Can stay in the lane forever
*Great solo top
*Can nuke
*Has one of the best skins
* Noms ***es

*Hard to get use to
*with a full stack of Feast he turns into a huge target
*from the void so Kass will hate

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I choose these runes bc from my pov (point of veiw) cho needs to be off tanky.
The Armor glyphs will help against those annoying AD champs such as Xin.
The MR seals help with the AP champs.
The MP marks are for you ult and feral scream. They do hurt
The AP quents are to give that early game edge you need for kills.
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I start with a D ring to last longer in the lane, but you can jump right into the build with boots of speed and health pots. next save up for you Protector this will give you not only a little more survivability but start you RoA. After your protector go for either Merc treads or Ninja tabi depending on the other team. Finish your RoA and start with either your FoN or Frozen Heart I usaly base it off who I am laning against. after that grab a needlessly large rod or the MR cloak depending on the team. get your Death cap and Abyssel septor.
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Using Cho

Ok I cant stress this enough please dont use your Q to harass. Missing your Q means you can miss out on a kill or assist. Only use your q if you know its going to hit. Your main spell is your feral scream. This is your nuke. if you combine it with a successful Q then you will have them worrying. Cho is great for setting up kills for your team mates. if the enemy carry is escaping lead them with a Q so there is no escape leading to either you feasting their *** or your carry grabbing that one kill they needed for say their death cap or BT.
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* make sure when attacking turrets to keep your E move toggled off.
* try using Q then W when they are in the air.
* always /l at people after doing Q and R
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There will be moar to come in this guide I just need to spend more time on it. I will also update it whn I can remember to
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Leainblade
Leainblade Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'Gath... Nom dat ***

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