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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Okwm

Cho'Gath - Surprise, I'm a tank

Cho'Gath - Surprise, I'm a tank

Updated on August 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Okwm Build Guide By Okwm 2,645 Views 0 Comments
2,645 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Okwm Cho'Gath Build Guide By Okwm Updated on August 27, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



This is my build for Cho players that lack the support of a tank on their team. I started this build out of the curiosity of Cho tanking for a squishy team.The result was fairly good, it was hard for the enemy team to kill me as well getting around me to kill my teammates.

I'm open to comments, as this is my first build to post on MOBAfire.
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Farming early game is very important towards your items, especially because most of your items you will end up buying are somewhat expensive. Although it is important, it is not completely necessary during the time you have the heart of gold and philosopher's stone. It is fairly obvious to farm with Feral Scream, and Vorpal Spikes.
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Harassment is fairly obvious, use Rupture where you think the enemy champion will end up going, also with the occasional Feral Scream.

If you think that you will need to level Rupture more then I state in the skill sequence guide, feel more then free to do this.
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Let the feast begin! (Important)

I can NOT express this enough; as soon as you reach level 6 YOU MUST START STACKING FEAST. If you don't, you will be a lot less more reliable then you have to be. And I mean YOU MUST BE. Do NOT feast on champions, as it have a larger chance of leaving that lingering HP, feast only on minions until the 6th stack. If you are on your way to a different lane, and your Feast is off cool down, take the time just just feast on a lesser creature in the jungle. Once you reach your 6th stack feel free to feast on champions as much as you want, but in the mean time you MUST reach that 6th stack as soon as you can.
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The runes are a basic tank selection marks, seals, and glyphs that increase HP, armor, and HP regen.

Feel free to change the runes as you see fit, as they aren't required to be a tank, they just make you a better one.
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Team fights

Remember, you are a tank, stay in front of your squishier team mates throughout the team fight and let the damage dealers deal their damage. Remember to silence champions and knock them air born with Rupture.
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+'s and -'s


High amount of health
High defense
High resilience with Feast +6

Extremely low damage
If feast is below 3, there is a higher chance of you dieing.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Okwm
Okwm Cho'Gath Guide
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Cho'Gath - Surprise, I'm a tank

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