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Cho'Gath Build Guide by Stargate476

Cho'Gath - Tank Build

Cho'Gath - Tank Build

Updated on July 26, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stargate476 Build Guide By Stargate476 3,467 Views 0 Comments
3,467 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Stargate476 Cho'Gath Build Guide By Stargate476 Updated on July 26, 2011
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LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


Chapter 1

This is my build. I have found it works for me. Figured I would share it. I typically do very well with this build.

OK let me first start by explaining my item and spell choices:

Ghost and exhaust - Great for cho'gath, exhaust allows you to hold enemy in place long enough to do significant damage and on top of that with your q will cause the slow effect to last even longer. Ghost could be swapped with TP or flash.

Dorans Ring: I take this mostly for the Mana regeneration effects and health but the added AP is nice early game though I do not build ap cho'gath so dorans shield could work if you have mana runes.

Shureyla's Reverie: I take this before boots as my first item after dorans due to the fact that it is a fairly have mana, health, and health Regen. Helps early survival and ability to stay in lane longer.

Mercury Treads: I take these next for obvious reasons, Magic resist as well as reducing stuns effects. Great for a tank. And in my opinion, only real option.

Frozen Heart: I take this for the mana and armor. Both which are very beneficial to Cho.

Warmogs: Strong HP item and strong health regen item. A pretty much must for Cho'gath. Combine this with fully stacked ult and you will have a ton of health. With armor, MR and health regen you should be VERY hard to kill.

Force of Nature: Strong health regen and magic resist. Magic resist is great if your versing a heavy AP team, if you are not this can be swapped out for maybe rod of ages or another health or armor item.

Thornmail: If game last long enough ill take of thornmail which by this point if played right you should be tanking your team to victory.

build guide in progress... more additions to come
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Stargate476
Stargate476 Cho'Gath Guide
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