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Corki Build Guide by KingHaDesX99

AD Carry Corki ADC - The Hybrid Carry from Hell

AD Carry Corki ADC - The Hybrid Carry from Hell

Updated on July 23, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KingHaDesX99 Build Guide By KingHaDesX99 2,941 Views 0 Comments
2,941 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KingHaDesX99 Corki Build Guide By KingHaDesX99 Updated on July 23, 2015
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Hi guys! King HaDes here. This guide was far less difficult to decide than others since Corki only has so many situational items, and since he is my main AD Carry champ. Discussion:

Summoner Spells: Like most AD Carries, you have the options of Ignite and Cleanse depending on your matchup.

Items: Most of you may laugh about my choice of boots, but the enormous magic damage on his Q makes for some serious Magic Damage. Other item choices include the Blood Thirster, and Blade of the Ruined King, other than that, he doesn't have many great options. The Trinity Force is ABSOLUTELY compulsory, so I would seriously suggest rushing it. The Spellblade proc makes for some huge damage.

Ability Levelling: I max the Q first since that makes for some huge damage, dealing upwards of 1/4 of their health on squishy champs like Ashe. You could alternatively, max his E first since it is his only ability that scales from Attack Damage, and the armor shred, combined with his Black Cleaver and Last Whisper, and with the Trinity Force on top, means you don't really need too much AD since they aren't resisting much of it and it's doubled with each ability anyway.

***Nothing to remember really, except to poke in lane and try and use those Trinity Force procs on important targets***

As always Have fun!!! And I'll see you in the next build.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KingHaDesX99
KingHaDesX99 Corki Guide
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