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Runes: Rivern
+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Friend of the Forest (PASSIVE)
Ivern Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ivern works with any ADC, but if you're gonna duo, this is probably the best idea.
Ivern works with any ADC, but if you're gonna duo, this is probably the best idea.
Champion Build Guide
At level 5, you can share buffs with allies with Friend of the Forest, whether or not you took it yourself, so you may be able to worry less about mana if you get Blue Buff.
At first back, get Control Wards and Oracle Lens to prevent getting caught taking a camp. You can also use Daisy! to scout ahead of you to make sure no one is too close to you.
In terms of gameplay and mechanics, this build is very similar to jungle Ivern, except he lives on bot side.
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