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Orianna Build Guide by Mackevelli

Deadly sharp things

Deadly sharp things

Updated on July 22, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mackevelli Build Guide By Mackevelli 1,652 Views 0 Comments
1,652 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Mackevelli Orianna Build Guide By Mackevelli Updated on July 22, 2011
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This guide was designed for a hybrid attack speed and ap build. It makes her passive which adds magic damage according to her ap to her normal attacks usefull
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Pros / Cons

Pros: incredibly fast attack speed
Passive gives good extra damage
lich bane is just like an extra nuke, not only can you do damage to champs, but u can also devastate towers and buildings.

Cons: Kinda squishy
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Once u get about level 5-8 farming becomes real easy. all you have to do is use attack and diss and you can instantly kill minions.
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Team Work

With protect you can help out your team. You can attach the ball to the initiating tank or you can even save people with it. Say if someones in real danger, use protect on them, then use diss. Diss will give them a temporary speed boost while slowing down the opposing enemies.
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This build will put your ap over 500 and your attack speed will be about 2/sec. To take some one down all u gotta do is attack, diss, and if they try to run finish with shockwave and normal attacks. also try to auto attack as well, your passive will be doing over 200 with this build, and with lich bane each time u cast a spell, your normal attacks will do over 500. Ive gotten legendary with this a couple of times and I like it so far. tell me what you think ^^
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Mackevelli
Mackevelli Orianna Guide
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Deadly sharp things

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