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Ability Order
Hextech Affinity (PASSIVE)
Heimerdinger Passive Ability
For Runes i Take:
RED: Greater Mark of Insight simply the best runes both Early game and Late game.
Seal: For Seals i take Either Pure Abillity Power or MP5. Pure Abillity power is best later in the game, but MP5 Is better for early game, so you can stay at lane longer.
Glyph: For Glyph i Take Pure abillity power. Because i like haveing as much Abillity power as possible in the early games, to dominate my enemies.
Quintessence: Here i take Health, because heimerdinger is very squishy as you might know. Theese Works great with a doran's Ring early game.
RED: Greater Mark of Insight simply the best runes both Early game and Late game.
Seal: For Seals i take Either Pure Abillity Power or MP5. Pure Abillity power is best later in the game, but MP5 Is better for early game, so you can stay at lane longer.
Glyph: For Glyph i Take Pure abillity power. Because i like haveing as much Abillity power as possible in the early games, to dominate my enemies.
Quintessence: Here i take Health, because heimerdinger is very squishy as you might know. Theese Works great with a doran's Ring early game.
I Take Summoner Spell: Teleport / Flash
Q: Why?
A: Because with teleport you can do as Sivir, You can Teleport to a lane that is getting pushed, place 2 turrets and do Massive damage or destroy the tower, (Beware when you do this, Always look at you map, and see where your enemies are. Make sure you have enough time to damage the tower, and get safely away)
Flash: I take Flash because its simply the BEST summoner spell ingame, Great escape and Great for getting that last range for ur rockets to kill someone.
Q: Why?
A: Because with teleport you can do as Sivir, You can Teleport to a lane that is getting pushed, place 2 turrets and do Massive damage or destroy the tower, (Beware when you do this, Always look at you map, and see where your enemies are. Make sure you have enough time to damage the tower, and get safely away)
Flash: I take Flash because its simply the BEST summoner spell ingame, Great escape and Great for getting that last range for ur rockets to kill someone.
Doran's Ring : I choose this first because you will need the 100 health, it gives mp5 and it gives you 15 abillity power, (feel free to stack two or three of theese if the game goes badly in start.)
Tear of the Goddess: Good mp5, i rush this to gather up as much mana as possible before i buy Archangel staff so it does more damage,
Boots: I Normally choose Mercury treads, because of the Tenacity and magic R (if the team have much CC) If they dont have that much CC, then I would prefer getting sorcerer shoes or Lucidity.
Kage Lucky Pick: I choose this item because of the GPS (Gold per Secound) I like haveing atleast one GPS item because theese help you alot with gold income, and this one gives you 25 abillity power, and can be converted to a Deathfire's Grasp later in the game.
Hourglass: Now this is very handy to have when all is getting fed up, this item gives you 2 secound of immunity, its nice to have when your getting focused and need a two secound "break" to see whats going on. so you can place a better flash or escape route, or you can you this to block spell's or Ulites >:D
Will of the Acients: I choose this for the Spell Vamp, which gives you health each time you cast a spell ( like Lifesteal for AD carries) And this item helps your team aswell, (Buff)
Tear of the Goddess: Good mp5, i rush this to gather up as much mana as possible before i buy Archangel staff so it does more damage,
Boots: I Normally choose Mercury treads, because of the Tenacity and magic R (if the team have much CC) If they dont have that much CC, then I would prefer getting sorcerer shoes or Lucidity.
Kage Lucky Pick: I choose this item because of the GPS (Gold per Secound) I like haveing atleast one GPS item because theese help you alot with gold income, and this one gives you 25 abillity power, and can be converted to a Deathfire's Grasp later in the game.
Hourglass: Now this is very handy to have when all is getting fed up, this item gives you 2 secound of immunity, its nice to have when your getting focused and need a two secound "break" to see whats going on. so you can place a better flash or escape route, or you can you this to block spell's or Ulites >:D
Will of the Acients: I choose this for the Spell Vamp, which gives you health each time you cast a spell ( like Lifesteal for AD carries) And this item helps your team aswell, (Buff)
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