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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by Big Nig Luda

Dominion Mundo

Dominion Mundo

Updated on October 5, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Nig Luda Build Guide By Big Nig Luda 11,659 Views 1 Comments
11,659 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Nig Luda Dr. Mundo Build Guide By Big Nig Luda Updated on October 5, 2011
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Intro - Dominion Mundo

I was quite surprised today when a search for Dominion Mundo guides came up with nothing. So obviously, I had to remedy the situation. After playing upwards of 50 games with the doctor, I found a build that got results no matter the team comp. This is what I came up with.
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I go with:

Marks: Armor Pen.
Glyphs: CD reduction for the all important cleaver and ult
Seals: Some armor.
Quints: Staying power for the initial battle at windmill.

As always these can be modified, but I think that I've chosen runes to keep Mundo focused on the Dominion gameplay.
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Skill Sequence

Cleaver is of the utmost importance. Based on the items and runes I am running, I don't want to put anything into AP. Thus, the other skill leveled behind cleaver is dat damage boost. You will be in close quarters often due to your job as defender. Thus, dat damage boost will come in handy to dissuade *****es from trying to roll you.

As always, your ult that turns you into an immortal gang banger should always be picked.

One note about cleaver in Dominion:
Minions are running around everywhere. It can be very hard to get a good throw when *****es are pushing your tower behind the creeps and keep poking the **** out of you. Instead of sitting on your tower like a *****, get on their side of the minions and assert your dominance like a boss with repeated throwings of your cleaver.
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Summoner Spells

Ghost is very important as mobility in dominion is everything. Since I go Mobility Boots, you could switch this out for something else. But I really like to run fast.

Exhaust is also game changing in Dominion because people tend to go AD champs for the one-on-one prowess. This negates that.

Another option would be Garrison, as you will fight to the death many times under your own turret. I just don't prefer it.
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Mundo is kinda weak at the beginning of the game. Even with the armor we buy and the health quints, you can't run in guns blazing and expect to live. Which is ok assuming your team does their job at windmill. But don't rely on that. Instead, you must play conservatively until you get your ult. Your main job is to defend points. You have the slow from the cleaver you can throw every millisecond, and the health regen from your ult to sit on a turret and give the other team a hard time. You should be able to hold out long enough for your team to get there, and then help out by whacking *****es running away with your cleaver.

You have plenty of damage with your cleaver and thus just need to bulk up from start to finish and be that annoying ****er that the enemy team hates to see sitting at a turret. I guarantee that this guide will allow you to move your team towards victory. A solid build overall.

All in all the path to success with Mundo is one of patience and persistence. And throwing a cleaver.
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We start off with the makings of Warmog's, with the addition of boots. This allows you to get to the windmill quick enough and have the defense to duke it out and win the capture. From there we finish Warmog's and Boots of Swiftness. From this point on we stack defensive items.

I decided to take Randuins first because of the activation bonus it gives. It is very usefull while defending under a turret.

After Randuins we need to catch our MR up with our Armor, so I go with a FoN to aid in Mundos ult health regen.

Following FoN, you should itemize according to the specific game, but I generally find Guardians Angel to be effective for the role Mundo plays.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Big Nig Luda
Big Nig Luda Dr. Mundo Guide
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Dominion Mundo

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