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Ryze Build Guide by Heishi94

Dominion Ryze

Dominion Ryze

Updated on March 10, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heishi94 Build Guide By Heishi94 5,769 Views 1 Comments
5,769 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Heishi94 Ryze Build Guide By Heishi94 Updated on March 10, 2012
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  • LoL Champion: Ryze
  • LoL Champion: Ryze


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It's my first guide on mobafire so if u have advices write them as comment. This build was tested by me and I think it's best one for Ryze. If u follow this guide you'll dominate bot lane.

Rate, comment and good luck in games :)
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Pros / Cons


-Enough damage
-Really tanky
-Propably best solo bot mage
-Easy to play


-Pretty weak early
-Hard to play vs offtanks
-Need practice
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Dominion Masteries

I chose utility tree becouse it's most effective on dominion.

Random Guy: But why? Ryze is mage and you should take Offense tree
Me: On normal ap sure. But Ryze is different one. He have benefits from mana ammount so you don't need ap becouse you'll lost toons of tanky potential
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Strange Runes

As Ryze you don't need magic penetration or somethin other. I chose mana runes for more damage.

Random Guy: Dude, those masteries are totally useless. U should take 9x magic penetration, 9x armor, 9x magic ressist and 3x magic pene quinn
Me: O rly? So try it on dominion. With my build i can get like ~200 magic ressist and armor with average 3k mana which one is enough
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This will be longest chapter

So. Core build is:
Other items u can use:
- Vs annoying ad carry

- Pretty usesfull item becouse u can have problems with magic ressists without this item

- Hard penetrate ! Penetrate them all with your annoying spells


Tear of Goddess / Rabbadon / Guardian Angel
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Team Work

This is most important

You must play as team with your teamates. Always go on bot lane. If you are 2v1 on bot lane call anyone to help you (Without items you'll die)

And that's all. Capture points and just deff it. If u capture 4/5 turrets play 3 top 2 bot
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Last Words

It's my first guide so help me with your advices.
Have a nice day !
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heishi94
Heishi94 Ryze Guide
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Dominion Ryze

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