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Ability Order
Clockwork Windup (PASSIVE)
Orianna Passive Ability
Some people prefer more AP but i prefer have less ap and do more damage with my magic penetration
Well another personal choice people prefer mana reg per level but i think is better dont wait level up to get more mana reg
A tipical runes for my builds, but i think Orianna need a little bit of cooldown reduction, good for arrasing your enemys
Orianna in early game have a low hp this runes give you a little bit of survavility . 78 hp is something
All people know ur ball give you a vision but if want more vision of the zone use clarivoyance. This summon spell can use too hunt any summoner gank you, or see any jungler in blue or red buf and baron.This simmon spell is perfect to complete a escape use spelland flash and bye bye enemies or if u want gank
The *basic* core items that I generally use.
: Well i prefer Dorian and not Meki pendant because im a little bit agressive with Orianna.This my Choice i think is better 100 Hp 15 ap and 5 nana per 5 sec before only 7 mana per 5 sec.
: Tear of Goddess is a essential buy for Orianna because Orianna can spam her 3 spells and charge ToG Quickly,but if want charge Quickly after buy ToG kill every time the blue buff mob, this is essential for me.
: And u can think WTF! lucidity and no Magic Pen boots?. I prefer CD reduction before Magic pen because u can use spell whenever u need, for example in Team battles!
: RoA is great item if u can get early.U can get a lot of life,mana and AP!.Try to get fast to charge fast too. Remember 18 Hp , 20 mana and 2 AP every minutes ! SO IMBA
: A lot of LOL gamers cal me n00b when i get Rylai with Orianna but i think for supporting is a beneficial for Orianna. The most of the LOL gamers unknown is: Rlya Passive stacks withand no enemy ever escapes thanks to the great range on your
: Well i prefer Dorian and not Meki pendant because im a little bit agressive with Orianna.This my Choice i think is better 100 Hp 15 ap and 5 nana per 5 sec before only 7 mana per 5 sec.
: Tear of Goddess is a essential buy for Orianna because Orianna can spam her 3 spells and charge ToG Quickly,but if want charge Quickly after buy ToG kill every time the blue buff mob, this is essential for me.
: And u can think WTF! lucidity and no Magic Pen boots?. I prefer CD reduction before Magic pen because u can use spell whenever u need, for example in Team battles!
: RoA is great item if u can get early.U can get a lot of life,mana and AP!.Try to get fast to charge fast too. Remember 18 Hp , 20 mana and 2 AP every minutes ! SO IMBA
: A lot of LOL gamers cal me n00b when i get Rylai with Orianna but i think for supporting is a beneficial for Orianna. The most of the LOL gamers unknown is: Rlya Passive stacks withand no enemy ever escapes thanks to the great range on your
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