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Garen Build Guide by Renekten

Dps Garen: Spin to Win

Dps Garen: Spin to Win

Updated on June 23, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Renekten Build Guide By Renekten 2,618 Views 0 Comments
2,618 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Renekten Garen Build Guide By Renekten Updated on June 23, 2011
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I started playing Garen about two months ago and since then he's been my favorite champion however i'm not to fond of playing a character that cant handle his own IE Tank Garen so i put my own 'spin' on Garen.
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I play Garen as an offence champion, my theme is spin to win. For this reason I go 21/0/9 grabbing armor pen and extra damage as well as addition regen and experience gain.
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I take armor pen marks and quints with cooldown reduction seals and glyphs for one reason. The lower you cooldowns are, the more you can use your abilities and have them do more damage because you pierce their armor.
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Pros / Cons

Pros and Cons of Dps Garen

Insane damage throughout the game
Can take large amounts of damage and sit back and regen it all with your passive
Easy carry

Can be a bit more squishy than tank Garen
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Skill Sequence

I as a fellow Garen player follow one motto, Spin to win. I level his judgement first because of its insane amounts of damage throughout the game. I keep decisive close taking a point in my shield at 4 for some easy damage reduction and leveling my ultimate whenever I can.
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The items for Garen I use are self explanitory, getting cooldown reduction early game pickin up Last Whisperer for extra armor pen, Frozen mallet for slows while using judgement and a Bloodthirster for healing and heavy damage as well as taking an Infinity Edge for bonus damage on your Judgement
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In all I play Garen as a very aggressive champion using the speed boost from decisive strike to silence caster and using judgement to melt away the enemy team. This is my take on dps Garen and hope you have fun :)
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Team Work

Lane with teammates who have stuns and slows snares, anything that messes with the enemies movement speed. Sion is probably your best friend. If none are available go with a ranged character who can harass well.

Mid game on 5v5 you'll be in team-fights a lot more often now, what you wanna do is stay towards the front of your group, take some hits so that be meant for the extreme DPS carry on your team, use your Decisive Strike on whoever does the most damage. The silence lasts forever, two and a half seconds, which is an eternity in a fast paced brawl. After that aim your spin to hit as many of them as possible make sure to get their carry in your spin. Don't forget you also have a lot of life so you can tank a turret with a teammate late game and take it down. any little extra gold helps.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Renekten
Renekten Garen Guide
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Dps Garen: Spin to Win

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