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Dr. Mundo Build Guide by A Serial Killer37

Dr. Mundo (TANKY+DPS)

Dr. Mundo (TANKY+DPS)

Updated on January 22, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A Serial Killer37 Build Guide By A Serial Killer37 4,437 Views 0 Comments
4,437 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author A Serial Killer37 Dr. Mundo Build Guide By A Serial Killer37 Updated on January 22, 2012
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Hello my name is A serial killer3.......

I love to play Dr. Mundo and can seem never to get under 10 kills with him so I feel it necessary to show you all the ends and outs of Dr. Mundo.
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I didn't fill out the rune section fully because all you need is strictly Health runes and quintessences, Due to the fact that Mundo uses Hp for all of his skills!
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Skill Sequence

In combat early game you are going to want to make sure all you Q's connect because not only are you losing health from them but they heal you if they damage an enemy!
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Pros / Cons

-High survivabillity
-lots of AOE damage
-Can kill himself
-Susceptible to early game Gank
- low burst damage
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Dr. Mundo is perfect because he doesn't have to poke at monsters-- The best way to kill minions is just by popping your' burning agony
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League of Legends Build Guide Author A Serial Killer37
A Serial Killer37 Dr. Mundo Guide
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Dr. Mundo (TANKY+DPS)

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