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Draven Build Guide by Frostesito FTW09

AD Carry Draven the way to the Frost

AD Carry Draven the way to the Frost

Updated on December 15, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frostesito FTW09 Build Guide By Frostesito FTW09 3,772 Views 4 Comments
3,772 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Frostesito FTW09 Draven Build Guide By Frostesito FTW09 Updated on December 15, 2013
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Draven does it all, With STYLE!!!

Hi there,
this is my ultimate build for one of the most dangerous champions of League of Legends Draven!!!
Why it's Draven a dangerous champions? That's SOOOO simple! It's only because with a good suport after the 5 kills wit this build before the 10 minutes of the game you guys with Draven (depending of the build you use) become a real assassin capable of tanking a tanker down very easily.
You guys will see in this build how awsome Draven is!!!
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Pros / Cons

+ A real funny way to play
+ Take's tons of damage in early game
+ A globat ultimate that it's twice!
+ If you are used to catch the Spining Axe it's easly to play
+ In time fight it's easly to the KS
+ Can do damage over time

- It's real hard to escape
- Don't have many life
- Can be focused easily
- May be hard to catch Spinning Axes
- In the picture he looks like melee AD with axes
- In time fight's you have to focus in catching the Spinning Axes to take more damage
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Runes and Masteries

The Runes that we should use in Draven are the typical runes for Attack Damage that are:

Attack DMG
X3= 6.75 AD

Attack DMG
X9= 8,55 AD

Early Armor
X9= 12,69 Armor

MRes at 18
X9= 1,35 MR/Lv
About the masteries we use the Attack Damage Masteries and some Defence because we all know that Draven CAN'T have life because if you do that you aren't doing a good Draven build because instead of doing a Draven for Damage you are ocupying a space for Life when Draven don't need that.
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Skill Sequence

In terms of the Skill Sequence it´s way better you to full first the Q ability because it's the best ability after the Ultimate that Draven have.
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Summoner Spells

The best Spells to you guys use are:

To kill the victim actually escaping
with low HP early game.

For escape or close wide gap between you
and that victim trying to escape

Ideal to your Suport use.

Useful in terms of slowing the
victim down and being
able to snare them easier.
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Dravenonly have one great combo that's:
E-Q-W and to finish R
(Stand Aside-Spinning Axe-Blood Rush and to finish Whirling Death)
In team don't forget to every time Draven throws a Spinning Axe use W (Blood Rush) and after he catch the Axe use W again when he throws it...
Do this every time you are in team fight to take more damage to your oponents.
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Unlike his brother Darius, victory in battle was never enough for Draven. He craved recognition, acclaim, and glory. He first sought greatness in the Noxian military, but his flair for the dramatic went severely underappreciated. Thirsting for a method to share "Draven" with the world, he turned his attention to the prison system. There he carved out the celebrity he desired by turning the tedious affair of executions into a premiere spectacle.

At Draven's first execution, he shocked onlookers when he ordered the doomed prisoner to run for dear life. Just before the man managed to flee from sight, Draven brought him down with a flawless throw of his axe. Soon, all Draven's executions became a gauntlet through which Noxian prisoners raced for a final chance at life. He used this trial as his own personal stage, and turned executions into a leading form of entertainment. He rallied onlookers into a frenzy, while desperate prisoners scrambled to evade him. They never succeeded. Rejecting the solemn, black uniforms of Noxian executioners, Draven donned bright outfits and developed flashy signature moves to distinguish himself. Crowds flocked to see Draven in action, and tales of his performances spread quickly. As his popularity grew, so did his already-inflated ego. He belonged at the center of attention. Before long, the scope of his ambitions outgrew the population of Noxus. He decided that the glorious exploits of Draven should be put on display for the entire world.
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Well this is the end of my build for Draven I ope you guys have like it and Thanks for Watching till the end!!!

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Frostesito FTW09
Frostesito FTW09 Draven Guide
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Draven the way to the Frost

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