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Sona Build Guide by Heavenly Death

Support Drop the beat! A Sona guide

Support Drop the beat! A Sona guide

Updated on September 17, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Heavenly Death Build Guide By Heavenly Death 2,308 Views 0 Comments
2,308 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Heavenly Death Sona Build Guide By Heavenly Death Updated on September 17, 2016
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Sona
    Aggro Sona
  • LoL Champion: Sona
    Passive Sona


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


Hi, feel free to skip this part if you would like. My name is Heavenly Death I'm 16 years old and I play on the Na server. I have been playing League of Legends for roughly 2 years. I am diamond 3 atm but I peaked at diamond 2. I've played league every single day in those two years either on my main or my smurf. I have a quite a bit of experience on Sona and I have a 65% winrate with her this season.
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What type of support is Sona?

Sona is a healing late game oriented support that supports the team with powerful auras, her early game however is a bit lacking. She is the only champion to be able to go higher than the cool down cap of 45% with the recent change Riot did to her ults passive. Sona is a very spamy champion but knowing when and what auras and powerchords to use can win you a lot of fights and is the difference between a good, experienced Sona or a bad Sona.
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How do I play Sona in the laning phase?

Sona is not a very mechanically challenging champion more so about decision making. Like I said above knowing what powerchord to use is very very crucial. If, you are using the aggressive Sona page there is a combo you can do in a very short time to maximize your damage in a very short time. When you have two charges of your passive auto the enemy adc once q and auto him again to proc thunderlords almost instantly because when you get your passive your auto attack resets and you can attack again without waiting. You can also use this to kill wards very quickly.
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How do I play Sona in teamfights?

Playing sona in teamfights especially late game isn't very hard, late game is where you are the strongest hitting the most cdr reduction in the game. You can spam your spells, even with being to spam your spells so often you have to be carefully to not get caught Sona is a very squishy champion you can get killed almost instantly very fast. The proper position for Sona in teamfights is to be by your adc and using W power chord to peel people that are jumping on your adc. If your adc is fine and you want to be more aggressive you can flash and ult to engage a fight, make sure your team is close to you while you do this and make sure you aren't fighting a 4v5 unless you want to take risks.
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Power chord info

In my honest opinion W powerchord is the most overpowered thing Sona has, reducing the enemies damage output by 25% adding 4% per 100ap. Exhuast reduces their damage by 40% if you have enough ap that means you'll have an exhuast like every 3 seconds and with your exhuast you'll be able to reduce their damage output but 65% not even including ap scaling.
I would use this whenever their adc is going to engage in a trade I would also use to peel attackers from your adc.

Q powerchord,I would use this to do more damage when you want to poke you can do the auto q auto with powerchord to maximize your damage output especially with thunderlords

E powerchord, I would use this when an enemy is chasing you to escape of if you are chasing someone and your team is behind you.
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That's my Sona guide thank you for taking time to read it!
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