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Twitch Build Guide by snail1

Easy Lane, Easy Life

Easy Lane, Easy Life

Updated on July 23, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author snail1 Build Guide By snail1 2,046 Views 0 Comments
2,046 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author snail1 Twitch Build Guide By snail1 Updated on July 23, 2014
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Skin Selection!

You have to use default because I don't have a skin!
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- Get machete

- Start bot side buff

- Clear buff, small camp, other buff, achieve lvl 3

- Gank top

- Reap the rewards of succesfull gank top with madreds

- Don't gank again until you have wriggles, as they don't give stacks

- Or i'm really bad
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- Have Flair

- Get runaan's second for quicker clears for quicker gold

- Get Wit's End

- Enjoy your core items and shread through everything
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- I forgot the boots, hopefully you didn't

- Get BORK cause Flair doesn't actually give that much sustain anymore

- Finish build with Black Cleaver

- Marvel at your resistance shread

- Congratulations! Now you're a larger scale Kayle passive!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author snail1
snail1 Twitch Guide
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Easy Lane, Easy Life

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