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Elise Build Guide by AHHBISTO

AP Offtank Elise - Take her out for a spin! AHHBISTO

AP Offtank Elise - Take her out for a spin! AHHBISTO

Updated on October 30, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AHHBISTO Build Guide By AHHBISTO 2,476 Views 1 Comments
2,476 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AHHBISTO Elise Build Guide By AHHBISTO Updated on October 30, 2012
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This guide will be updated with patches. This guide has been tested and works brilliantly.
This guide is NO WHERE NEAR complete, more info will be added with suggestions + experience!
This is my first guide keep this is mind please.

Will work a video if we hit the top rating!

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Bruiser Elise vs AP Elise (Pros/Cons)

Great damage and awesome survive-ability
Extremely annoying to the other team
Easy to farm
% Damage!!!
Weak until Malady
Very item/farm dependent
Have to play very safe until Malady

FULL AP (glass cannon)

Very high burst damage
Easy farm
Great harass

Using spider form in a team fight will result in death (squishy melee)
If you stay in human form as you are afraid to enter the meat grinder, your cool downs are long and makes you useless late game
Damage falls off very hard late game
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Stages of the game

EARLY GAME (levels 1-6)

This is your weakest point, Stay in human form and last hit, let the enemy push a little but don't miss any minions.
Having said that your level 1-2 are strong as you can poke all day long.
Past levels 3 you need to play safe!!!, if the enemy comes out of position, stun him then Q and W him.

MIDDLE GAME (after Malady)
You have becomes a monster.
Go back to lane after your malady and harass until your opponent is around 50% 60% hp.
Start in human from and stun him, land a Q, and a W. Enter spider form, DO NOT USE RAPPEL (E) yet. Press W and hit him, then Q. When they flash, or try to escape, use E. Finish with ignite and go to human form if they somehow manage to get away. You will dominate mid-game.
Gank the Midlane, Roam in your spair time, you are an assasin!

LATE GAME (after Rylies)
People are going to catch up to you, but no matter. You will be pretty tanky and be around 160 armour! Don't initiate fights, you should have a jungler like shen or amumu or volibear on your team (a tank jungler). When they initiate, fully combo the AD carry and then just keep owning.
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Spider Swarm - Passive
When Elise's Human Form spells hit an enemy, she readies a Spiderling. When Elise transforms, she summons Spiderlings to attack nearby foes. The maximum number of spiderlings increases

Their damage is actually pretty good IMO, can shove a turret down quickly from W.
BUT. they can put you at a disadvantage, escecailly champions like Fiora who can lunge your spider (they walk a couple yards behind you) and then lunge you.

Neurotoxin / Venomous Bite Q
While in Human form: Deals magic damage equal to a base amount plus a percentage of the target's current health. Damage is capped against monsters.

While in Spider form: Elise lunges to a target with a poisonous bite that deals magic damage equal to a base amount plus a percentage of the target's missing health. Damage is capped against monsters.

This is your bread and butter. % damage is very strong. Has a flat mana cost!!!!
In spider form it will execute your opponents as it does damage based on missing health %

Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy - W
While in Human form: Summons a venom-gorged Spiderling that moves to target location and explodes, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies when it nears an enemy unit or after 3 seconds.

While in Spider form: (Passive): Spiderlings gain bonus attack speed.

This is an amazing ability. I use this all the time for checking the brush. saved my *** more than once... It scales nicely and is very easy to aim (it chases!!!)

In spider form its brilliant for shoving a turret down and gives you a lot of sustain in the top lane. Great for 1v1 too!! Great for farming in both forms

Cocoon / Rappel - E
While in Human form: Elise fires a web that stuns the first enemy hit for 1.5 seconds.

While in Spider form:

- On enemy cast: Elise and her spiderlings ascend high into the air and descend upon an enemy target.

- On ground cast: Elise and her spiderlings ascend high into the air, becoming untargetable for two seconds. Casting Rappel on a nearby enemy during this time will descend upon your target.

In human form It's a powerful stun and great for punishing opponents if they're out of position. Its high mana costs so don't use it for harass unless you have 50% or more mana.

In spider form, this is what MAKES ELISE: ELISE!
Its a very large gap closer/escape
It makes you untargetable, so you can dodge karthus ult and many other abilities. I found when you are against a Darius, and are Low HP, use this, it really messes him up!
It reveales the nearby area so if you are in the jungle, you can easily escape by using this on a jungle creep. Best off using this after the enemy has used Flash.

Spider Form / Human Form - R
While in Human form: Elise transforms into a menacing spider with new abilities. While in Spider Form, Elise deals magic bonus damage on attack and has increased Movement Speed, Armor, and Magic Resistance. Each level of her ultimate allows Elise to summon an additional spiderling.

While in Spider form: Elise transforms into a human form with new abilities. Each level of her ultimate allows Elise to summon an additional spiderling.

I use spider form for travel, not much to say here.

Volatile Spiderling / Skittering Frenzy - W
While in Human form: Summons a venom-gorged Spiderling that moves to target location and explodes, dealing magic damage to nearby enemies when it nears an enemy unit or after 3 seconds.

While in Spider form: (Passive): Spiderlings gain bonus attack speed.
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Start in human form, (% on current HP), Land your Stun, then Q, then W. Do this whilst running TOWARDS THEM (no need to kite, you're a tanky **********er)
Switch to spider form, press W and use Q whenever available.
When they Flash or use any other type of escape, then its time to use your E.
If they survive and you are on cooldown for spider form, switch to human and rinse and repeat.
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Jungling Elise

Plese, no!
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Summoner spells

FLASH IS A MUST! Your E (Rappel) has a very long cooldown, you need an escape if that's on cooldown.
Flash, ignite, Great for Early game kills and will really help with champions like Mundo and Volibear
Flash, Teleport Great for defending and ganking. WIN LANE! SAVE BOT LANE!!!
Flash, Exhaust. Great for 1V1 and can turn around a fighr
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a lot more to come. a lot of tiding up to do
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