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LeBlanc Build Guide by humzauddin7

Epic Burst = Epic Win - Leblanc Build

Epic Burst = Epic Win - Leblanc Build

Updated on March 12, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author humzauddin7 Build Guide By humzauddin7 16,302 Views 1 Comments
16,302 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author humzauddin7 LeBlanc Build Guide By humzauddin7 Updated on March 12, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite



Hi, my name is sogeking74 and I'm going to be talking about LeBlanc in this guide.
(first time guide). I like to keep it short, so don't think this is bad because it is short!
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I take Magic Pen marks Greater Mark of Magic Penetration, Mana Regen per level seals Greater Seal of Scaling Mana Regeneration, Ability Power glyphs Greater Glyph of Ability Power, and flat Ability Power for quintessences Greater Quintessence of Ability Power. This helps max my early game damage, which is where LeBlanc shines.
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Following a 21-0-9 mastery tree, I take all the possible AP masteries ( Mental Force , Sorcery, Arcane Knowledge , Blast , Archmage , and Executioner , with two points in Havoc , one in Summoner's Wrath . This is so that early game I can dominate opponents. Many also take 9-0-21, but I prefer to have more damage rather than utility. something to keep in mind is that LeBlanc does kind of fade out in team fights/late game, so better to start strong.
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

I like to go with maxing Q Sigil of Silence, because it deals plenty of damage plus, when comboed with Sigil of Silence, Mimic or Sigil of Silence, Distortion it deals massive damage, and is a wonderful harass technique or finishing even. Ethereal Chains isn't as important since it doesn't deal that much damage, the slow is nice though, so if you need to catch someone throw this and you've got them.
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I always start with Boots and 3 Health Potion, because this way you can stay in lane, get out of skillshots (like Ahri or Ziggs) and you can heal if the other person is harrasing more. If your opponent has a Dorans Ring to start, you're in luck. Just harass once you have your Distortion and you'll have an easy kill by level 4, and if not, 6. If the other team is bad, or you are feeling really good, grab a Mejai's Soul Stealer very early, it's not an item to get before the game ends.
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Summoner Spells

isn't a must have, but it's so so so so useful 99% of the time. When Distortion is on cooldown (it is fairly long) this is gonna save you big time. I also take because it works well with the combo and gets alot of first bloods for me, which basically means gg.
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Pros / Cons

]: Epic Burst, Crazy damage, amazing harass, escape techniques, can steal baron/dragon, easy farm/last hit

: really squishy, fades out late game unless fed, sometimes hard to land Distortion
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Don't be aggressive, because you are squishy, but don't hesitate to throw a Sigil of Silence and follow up with a Distortion at level 2. Don't go crazy with harass though, as you run out of mana kind of fast if you keep the combos coming. Make sure you call for a gank if the opponent is low, and finish them off. My favourite combo is Sigil of Silence, Mimic, Distortion, Ethereal Chains, and finally Ignite. That usually means death, and if you do it really fast then they don't even have time to flash because of silence.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author humzauddin7
humzauddin7 LeBlanc Guide
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Epic Burst = Epic Win - Leblanc Build

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