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Twitch Build Guide by Sanitairium

Feed off anyone-Twitch

Feed off anyone-Twitch

Updated on April 9, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sanitairium Build Guide By Sanitairium 1,693 Views 0 Comments
1,693 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sanitairium Twitch Build Guide By Sanitairium Updated on April 9, 2012
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Why these items?

I thought i should try out this build and when i did i got great results i fed on the other team so much they surrender most times, I think its good to start off with boots, i chose the berserker greaves because of the movement speed and the attack speed. i then recommend the infinity edge for the high attack damage this will start getting you some kills. you then should get the phantom dancer for the good attack speed/attack damage combo. so then you get the black cleaver for both of these parts because of the attack damage and attack speed boosts.
and so you can stay in the lane longer and increase your damage by even more, get the bloodthirster for the life steal. my final item is the tiamat which is very useful for teamfights and clearing out minions, it also grants you mana and health regen.
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Good Things

I really think that you should use flash and ignite for twitch because flash is good for going through walls, running away or chasing an enemy. the ignite is really good with your passive (Deadly Venom) which continuosly deals damage over 6 seconds, because it will help you finish someone off because of the venom and ingite working together and doing singnificantly increased damage. this is my build i hope you like it :)
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sanitairium
Sanitairium Twitch Guide
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Feed off anyone-Twitch

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