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Fizz Build Guide by KamielFTW



Updated on November 29, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KamielFTW Build Guide By KamielFTW 23,700 Views 5 Comments
23,700 Views 5 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author KamielFTW Fizz Build Guide By KamielFTW Updated on November 29, 2011
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Welcome to my very first, and, according to friends of mine, very good guide.

Please thumb this up if it worked out for you!

The average score I get with this build is:

Pics will come soon.
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Pros / Cons

[*] High Mobility
[*] Tons of burst damage
[*] Great ganking abilities
[*] Easy harassment
[*] Early ganks

[*] If you do not get kills early game, you really need to farm ALOT. Fizz needs his items early game, because he does heaps of damage early game. That way you can get fed pretty easily by ganking with your R+Q+W+E+E/E+E+R+Q+W combo, deal TONS of damage and kill the enemy, and get fed.
[*] Squishy if not played right
[*] Hard to master E (Evade skills)

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The runes I use are pretty good on Fizz, You don't need a doran's ring to start with it, however you might like to have one when you know you will outlane the enemy. Anyhow, these runes give you:

Ability Power
Magic Pen
Attack Speed

It's basically all you need with fizz!
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The masteries clearly focus on AP, not AD.
This setup will give you more AP, Magic Pen and increased damage. Great for a fizz player.

Also gives you movement speed, which you will need to lane in earlygame (Since your melee)
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These Items are very good, but as I mentioned in the 'Runes' section of this guide, if you know you will outlane them, go for a dorans ring at the start. It will help you farm up (because of your passive W) and gives you the extra 100 HP which might decide your death or their death.

Fizz is kind of squishy, so I pick some health pots as secondary starting item.
Grab your doran ring ASAP. After that, when you NEED to go back, buy your sorcerers shoes.

Now lane up till you NEED to go back again, see howmuch gold you have. If you have 1600 gold, go for the Rod, if you dont have 1600, go for the blasting wand.
Remember! Do NOT go back to buy your blasting wand or rod, only go back when its necessary (Low HP etc.). You can go back however if they are ACED or pushed back..

Early game rabadon is really awesome on fizz, gives you all the harassing needs. After that I go for a lich bane, when you have it your AP will be very high already, so that is really a must have on Fizz. Q, W, Poke => Half HP gone at lvl 18.

The other items are pretty self explainatory, I picked a crystal scepter just to get the little bit of extra HP. You might want to get a rod of ages though, depends if you need that slow or not.
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Skill Sequence

Max your W, Max your Q, Max your E.

Take ulti at default levels.
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Summoner Spells

Ignite: Really nice to finish someone off, you can let him walk away at 100 HP after you poke him with a charged W, use your ignite on him and he's dead because of 2 pretty high damage over time spells.

Flash: Increases your mobility. Your E doesnt work to get over the most walls, so flash is really nice to have on Fizz IMO.
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Use this combo:

Or, if ganking from long distance

You'll deal HEAPS of damage. And with Heaps I mean HEAPS

Fizz is one of the most mobile champions, if you are in trouble you can evade abilities with your E, and dash out with it too.

You will dash the wrong way if you are not aware of your mouse..
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League of Legends Build Guide Author KamielFTW
KamielFTW Fizz Guide
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