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Fizz Build Guide by Silgvard

FIzz master of ap

FIzz master of ap

Updated on November 17, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Silgvard Build Guide By Silgvard 5,315 Views 0 Comments
5,315 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Silgvard Fizz Build Guide By Silgvard Updated on November 17, 2011
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Fizz play

FIzz Play
- Fun and exciting to play.
- Good farmer.
- Capable of carrying.
- One of the most versatile champions.
- Has a Ghost passive.
- Great Assassin.
- Has a SHARK ult. Wacka wacka
- Squishy.
- May be hard for players to learn.
- Requires map-awareness.
- Timing is everything.
- Urchin Strike could lead to useless deaths.
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Summoner Spells

Summoner Spells:
Ignite is great on Fizz. Paired with his rend it can be a powerful damage over time.
Ghost Although his passive already allows him to move through minions the speed increase is nice and since the flash nerf Imo it's better now.
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While his damage and mobility in a fight are incredible, I have to note that were he really holds strong is going against a tower huger. Yes, a tower huger ladies and gentleman. Fizz's ability to get in and out of most everything are what makes him. With a little practice you can say **** you to those tower hugers too. W to get a little extra damage on your poke, Q in for the damage from your Q and W, Then immediately E away. Since your E makes you untargetable that pretty purplish pink tower ball coming at you will do no damage. Making him imo one of the perfect champions to go up against a solo lane.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Silgvard
Silgvard Fizz Guide
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FIzz master of ap

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