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Fizz Build Guide by NuddleStandard

Fizz the Fish (AP Ownage)

Fizz the Fish (AP Ownage)

Updated on November 18, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NuddleStandard Build Guide By NuddleStandard 4,694 Views 0 Comments
4,694 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author NuddleStandard Fizz Build Guide By NuddleStandard Updated on November 18, 2011
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Fizz the Fish.

Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures he grew to be a powerful fighter with a keen resourcefulness that let him skirt danger with clever ease. One day, Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted trident from the ruins and set out alone.

For years, Fizz wandered the ocean, using the skills he'd learned during his adventures as a young boy to survive. Finally, Fizz discovered the port of Bilgewater. He was fascinated with the existence of life above the water and could not resist exploring the island. In his endless curiosity, Fizz inadverently meddled in the affairs of the humans who lived there and his presence did not go unnoticed. His mischief angered many residents who eventually sought to capture or kill him. Fizz found himself cornered, and he prepared to return to the sea despite the fondness he'd come to hold for Bilgewater. As he stood at the docks, a massive dragon-shark attacked the port. Fizz defeated the beast, using his resourcefulness and knowledge of the creatures' weaknesses to his advantage. Having earned the gratitude and respect of the humans, Fizz decided to stay in Bilgewater. He joined the League of Legends to further serve his new home.

''Fizz makes even the saltiest sailors of Bilgewater look like drunken landlubbers in a fight. Good thing he's on our side.'' -- Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter. :>
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Pros / Cons

Pros -

Really good burst damage late game.
A fun champion.
Good jungler/AP.
A good assassin.
Fast escape.
Can dodge skills with E.

Cons -

Hard to play for new players.
Hard to land ult.
Often focused.
Need reflexes to dodge skills.
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Magic Penetration is always good for Casters if the enemy stacks up magic resist and thats why i buy it for Fizz.

I also picked AP Runes for a good early game with lots of damage.

If your looking for more sustain get some Armor and Magic resist runes for Fizz.
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The masteries are just the Offense tree go down and get all the AP that you can choose.

For the Defensive take the Armor, Magic resist and health regen so you can play abit more aggresivly.
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This is the items i buy for AP Fizz. You could ofcourse exchange Zhonya for a Rylai if you like to, but i dont buy Rylai since he has great slow already.

I recommend buying Lich bane and Deathcap so you can do alot of damage.
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Skill Sequence

I Max E first and then Q for the damage since you would need more AP for W so it would be better for late game.
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Summoner Spells

I suggest you to take Flash and Ignite.

You could trade them for a ghost or surge if you like to.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author NuddleStandard
NuddleStandard Fizz Guide
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Fizz the Fish (AP Ownage)

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