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Ability Order
Nimble Fighter (PASSIVE)
Fizz Passive Ability
For runes, i take 9 Greater mark of insight, which gives u magic penetration, 9 Greater seal of potency, 9 Greater glyph of potency and 2 greater quintessence of potency. Greater quintessence of insight is my last rune, which u magic penetration. U are starting with 30 ability power and 10% magic penetration. U will be starting with 25 ability power. when u buy doran's ring and sorcerer's shoes , u will have 40 ability power and 30 magic penetration. If u want to play defensively, take magir resist, armor and health regen runes and choose defensive masteries, like like resistance and hardiness.
In the classic, i beging with doran's ring, if i have a weak opponent in the mid lane (for example kata, miss fortune, brand, talon, xin zhao etc) or with boots and a couple of health potions, if my targets are strong (nasus, jax, shyvana, rumble etc) i recommend u to go mid without buying any items, to see ur opponent and then teleport immidiately to ur base and buy items. i continue with rod of ages and rylais, which will give me a great amount of hp and ability power. additionally i will be able to slow my targets, every time i cast an ability to them. finally, i take rabadon's deathcap and lich bane. deathcap will give u tones of ap and lichbane will increase ur basic attack dmg. Finally, guardian angel will give me a second chance to escape from the enemy in case i die. also, it will increase my armor and magic resist. In domonion, i beging with doran's prospector and a boot, and i take abyssal scepter and zhonya's hourglass insteed of sunfire and guardian angel.
Fizz's passive is Nimble fighter. Fizz, ignores enemy units, pathing through them all times. Additionally, he take reduced damage from basic attacks. Urchin strike damages the target, after he jumps to his location. If u use it, when u are close to ur opponent, fizz will jump behind him. I learn urchin strike at lvl 2 and i maximize it last. At lvl 1 i learn seastone trident. Seastone trident causes physical basic attack to apply a debuff, that deals magic damage + a percent of ur target's maximum health over a few seconds. When it is activated, fizz's basic attacks also deal flat bonus damage and reduce the health regen of an enemy champion. i maximize it immidiately. Playful / Trickster hax 2 parts. First, fizz dashes to a nearby location, becoming untargetable, also dodging enemy attacks and spells. Reactivating This ability will cause fizz to dash again, damaging all the enemies he lands on. If u don't reactivate this ability, fizz will become targetable again, after 1,5 sec, dealing damage to the area and slowing all enemies around him. Finally, his ultimate is Chuam the waters. Fizz throws away a fish. After a short delay, a shark comes out to eat the fish, dealing damage and slowing the first enemy it hits. Additionally, it knocks up all enemies in the area.
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