Play safe. Dont fight with her alone. Never. She will make you think morgana is the worst champion in the game. If you miss your Q its her powerspike, and you will always miss, as long as she is not dumb or lagging. Although (for me) its the worst counter, you can defeat her with team more easily, as long as you wont duel.
1st ban candidate, barely killable, a first time noc can effortlessly counter your whole kit by pressing W. ALWAYS catches you with Q and you cant do shit about it. Dont duel him, dont contest scuttle, if you really want to take it sacrifice your gromp/golems and take it first.
Dangerous both jungle and midlane, hard to duel, only fight if you are confident your Q will land, otherwise she can E you with no counterplay, burst you and shit on your body. Play safely, W minions from range, on jungle avoid her, its possible to kill her if you land your Q.
You need a lot of skill for this type of match, it will be rough, you need to never lower your guard outside your jungle earlygame and NEVER lower it ANYWHERE in late. Unless he jumps you from a bush/uses R he will have hard time attacking you, watch out for those empowered Ws he can use after jumping you and dont duel him if he buys Edge of the Night.
Master Yi
Can be annoying, can be dueled but watch out for his q range and you will be fine. Hes here only because how punishing it is for you to let him get too close.
Spiders block Q, says it all.
Diana with bigger jump range, but more time to prepare. Keep an eye on her, dont let her take you by suprise, on lane play safely, dont take to many Qs.
Highly mobile always means harder to hit with Q, which not only makes you deal less damage (enemies dont stay in your W), but also lets them get closer (may be fatal if you have no R). Good hecarim can easily dodge your Q and get to you, he also can gank more often.
Skill matchup, E yourself when he has his W evolved and play around range from his E, khazix rarely evolves wings first, so his range, dont underestimate him late even if you win early.
Its all about dodging spells, honestly. Dont be scared of him, E yourself if you get hit so you dont get any CC. It may be harder to kill him, because hes more resistant than mages and assassins, so one Q + W + R may not be enough to kill him.
His CC can be easily countered by your E, but he can dodge your Q with his E (many ekkos build hextech rocket belt for extra mobility). Dont R him if he has his R available, because he can use it to get out of yours. It may be easier to just Q + W him from afar if your team is nearby to help you secure the kill.
Warwick is not super mobile (in dodging skillshots), so Q may help you get out of his attack range, however you should still be aware of his additional R range when he chases a low-hp unit, because he may catch you off-guard. His E can be countered with your E, but keep in mind his R cant.
Everytime you see his E mist, E yourself so you wont be stunned by his W. Additionally, watch out for his R damage. Is one of easier enemies because of low mobility.
Block knockup, ap champions are generally good against rammus, he may be a hassle for your team so you need to keep track of him.
Will probably never have a chance to get to you. If you miss the Q, block the stun with your E, you can also use your E on his lightning to minimalize the damage.
Depends on the skill. If briar is bad at dodging and charges at you, the threat is minimal, however if she has some skill you should pay more attention to her, especially not to be hit with her R. She is relatively easy to hit because of her lack of ability to dodge spells when she uses her W. E yourself in fights with briar so you wont be stunned with her Q. In teamfights, one good Q combined with team damage will probably be a death sentence for her.
Not mobile, can be easily hit by Q (he may build rocket belt), also his kit is based on silences and fears, which can all be reflected with your E.
Nunu & Willump
E counters snowball and Q makes him drop it (he has limited mobility while rolling that you can take advantage of)
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