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Gangplank Build Guide by Only Good Builds

Gangplank:Its A Pirate!!RUNNNNN!

Gangplank:Its A Pirate!!RUNNNNN!

Updated on July 24, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Only Good Builds Build Guide By Only Good Builds 1,827 Views 0 Comments
1,827 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Only Good Builds Gangplank Build Guide By Only Good Builds Updated on July 24, 2011
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Gangplank:Its A Pirate!!RUNNNNN!

Hey mans this is my first build, yes i am The Tactic and Felipe Soek, today i'm inspired to made a build (07/24/2011)... So on this build i will show the day that i edited all the parts.Like this part.
I will show more informations of the build under \/
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Okay, on the masteries i no chosen burning embers because Gangplank is a DPS champion (DPS but more critical), some of the masteries is more for critical, like havoc.So some of this masteries is only to the critical of his parrrley.
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W-What?Remove Scurvy no is the second spell???
No on this build, ill made this build to got the first blood.

Why?Not uped to level 5 Parrrley?
On this build u no will up only Parrrley, its a balanced up of spells.

Where i need ult?
U will need ult to kill your enemies, on 1vs1, on team fights, or to escape.

I'm who hour i need use Raise Morale?
Is better use raise morale spell on 1vs1.

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Gangplank is a DPS critical, to you have more chances to hit critical on parrrley. On this build all the runes is critical chance, if u have critical damage runes no have problem critical damage runes too is good for Gangplank.
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What do first?
U need do first the brawler gloves (Like the build show) but if u want made zeal before the boots u can made. Only one thing, never do phantom dancer before infinity edge.
I no made the build with the first items that u need made of infinity edge, but if u no have so much money u made cloak of agility, if u have so much money u buy B.F sword.
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Farming/Do Not Let Enemies Farm

Farm so much on their minions and don't let enemies farm, try while farm shot the enemies (Such they will stay away of u). If u no shot they, the enemies will begin farm and u will to be attacked.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Only Good Builds
Only Good Builds Gangplank Guide
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Gangplank:Its A Pirate!!RUNNNNN!

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