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Gangplank Build Guide by t0rrent0

Gankplank, the critically chasing NUKE!

Gankplank, the critically chasing NUKE!

Updated on June 27, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author t0rrent0 Build Guide By t0rrent0 1,690 Views 0 Comments
1,690 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author t0rrent0 Gangplank Build Guide By t0rrent0 Updated on June 27, 2011
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Welcome to the newest Gankplank build. This build was made after the patch that changed Gankplank's passive from cutting the healing to slowing the enemy with normal attacks.

This build was created to make GP a pretty good nuker that can chase enemies with his new ability and with a good item choice.
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You get, 33% critical damage with Red Runes.
You get +14 armor to help you early game with Yellow Runes.
You get +14 magic resist to help you early game with Blue Runes
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Using a full Offensive masteries build help you getting +10% critical damage, some armor penetration and a little bit of mana regeneration if you put some points in utility.
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The main goal with Gankplank is farming early game to buy an Avarice blade that will provide you more gold and eventually critical chance that you will need to be successfull. You try to get brutalizer and not complete it too fast to keep getting money from Avarice blade. The next goal is to get a Phantom Dancer to get more critical chance, movement speed and some attack speed that will make help you harass and chase enemies. Finally, Infinity edge will close the Damage per second part of your build. You will be able to crit a lot, and be very strong.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author t0rrent0
t0rrent0 Gangplank Guide
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Gankplank, the critically chasing NUKE!

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