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Ability Order
Perseverance (PASSIVE)
Garen Passive Ability
Starting items: Doran's shield gives you decent regen in the beginning so i use it first. If you want to deal more damage, start with a doran's blade.
Boots: If you want to chase with more ease or they have a lot of dps, choose a ninja tabi. If the team has a lot of cc, pick a mercury thread.
After, go for a warmogs, then see whether there are more ap casters or dps. If there is more ap casters, go for a FoN, if there is more dps, go for a sunfire cape. After both of these, get an atma's to boost your damage and finally, a guardian angel to give you 2nd chances.
Boots: If you want to chase with more ease or they have a lot of dps, choose a ninja tabi. If the team has a lot of cc, pick a mercury thread.
After, go for a warmogs, then see whether there are more ap casters or dps. If there is more ap casters, go for a FoN, if there is more dps, go for a sunfire cape. After both of these, get an atma's to boost your damage and finally, a guardian angel to give you 2nd chances.
Garen is a great early game champion, but he starts to fall off late game. So, try to get as fed as possible in the beginning so you can pwn late game. Hide in the bush if you want to harass.
There are 2 choices: If you think they are going to use a skill to escape after you spin, engage with q but don't hit them. Spin first then hit them with your q.
The 2nd option is to silence them and then spin if you think they are just going to flash away from your spin.
There are 2 choices: If you think they are going to use a skill to escape after you spin, engage with q but don't hit them. Spin first then hit them with your q.
The 2nd option is to silence them and then spin if you think they are just going to flash away from your spin.
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