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Garen Build Guide by -Rush

Garen - "Fear not, Im coming!"

Garen - "Fear not, Im coming!"

Updated on September 12, 2011
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League of Legends Build Guide Author -Rush Build Guide By -Rush 1,966 Views 0 Comments
1,966 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author -Rush Garen Build Guide By -Rush Updated on September 12, 2011
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This is a tanky Garen guide since Garen kills a lot and is extremely agressive in lane even with the tanky build. The guide will give you the basics on Garens mechanics and tatics to have the control of your lane and eventually the game . Oh and i almost forgot to say that since im not from an english speaking country i may commit some errors of gramatics anyway i would ask you guys to ignore it.
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Core Items

Firstly you must keep in mind that as any tanker builds changes depending on enemy team but basically the best build is the one explained as "usual" cause mostly you will get balanced enemy teams(2ad / 2ap / 1 tank) but if you face a 4 ap team and 1 tank or 3 ap 2 ad and any other type of team feel free to adjust the build by buying more than a force of nature or more than one warmog instead of thornmail or sunfire ( but try not giving up on building sunfire cause its a very good item for him)
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The runes are fully designed to be HP cause its a tanky build but if u dont have enough ip to buy the health one's just make a full ad rune page wich i'll also fit pretty nicely since i had tested it already.
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Laning Phase

Just focus in farming your W(courage) till it reaches its maximum 25 additional armor , and try to keep damaging the enemys with your decisive strike. If you and your lane mate manage to low his life to around 3 hp bars (the lowest better) use your ultimate cause its damage rises depending on how low is the opponents life .
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Solo Laning

Garen is a great soloer but mainly he will just farm his W and gold until the teamfights start but if you take a double squishy lane maybe you can even manage to get FB(firstblood) or kills (mostly after you get your ultimate).
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Later Game

By that time you may be already tanky as hell especially when you active your W , you need to initiate teamfights try to make their team focus you by trying to bring down the squishiest probably they wont focus you but if you lure them correctly you can end the teamfight with your team getting an ace without having any losses.
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By the end...

That is the basic knowledge you need to have on Garen the rest you learn by practising and also with time . Anyway later on as soon as i manage to understand how to post an image on MOBA Fire Guides ( since im new ) ill post some of my Garens Frag and also if you guys try out this build and do well in game be sure to take a screenshot and send me the link and ill post it . Well thats it guys i wish you the best luck and that you have fun playing with the amazing champion Garen is.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author -Rush
-Rush Garen Guide
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Garen - "Fear not, Im coming!"

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