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Ability Order
Perseverance (PASSIVE)
Garen Passive Ability
Nuff Said.
The summoner spells I rock with is Flash and Exhaust. With that, your enemy's with low Hp should never get away. You can exhaust, silence and slow with Decisive strike and frozen mallet, take out half the enemy's life with Judgment, and if they are going to get away, you can flash and use Demacian justice's range to finish them off.
Some other possible spells, are Ghost Exhaust, for chasing and running synced with Boots of Swiftness, and Decisive Strike.
Some other possible spells, are Ghost Exhaust, for chasing and running synced with Boots of Swiftness, and Decisive Strike.
I go for a mixed offensive defensive rune build with Garen. Armor pen. Marks and quints make early game damage very impressive. He can turn the tide of a battle with the armor shredding capability of Judgment. He is however, a tank dps, so you must focus on the TANK part, with flat armor seals, and MR per level. These make you take alot less damage, while still allowing you to destroy. These runes make garen great for initiating team fights, and letting him to do enough damage to rack up kills.
The boots at the beginning are to insure that you can catch the runner from opening gank. With the build I'm using u can get out of the base at under 15 seconds. The three health potions help you stay in the lane for a long time early game, mixed with your passive. Boots of swiftness are meant to sync with your Q. I rush phage next, getting the long sword before the ruby crystal, just for the burst damage. Then i continue onto frozen mallet, because it not only makes you hit like a truck, but it also slows your opponents with every hit, so you can chase very well. Next is sunfire cape, for the obvious sync with Judgment, since it is Garens main damage output. Then comes Atma's Impaler, for the damage and the critical strike makes Judgment do more damage, since it scales with critical strike. That being said, the reason for the two Avarice Blades is quite obvious. The sunfire cape, frozen mallet, and armor from Atma's makes Garen quite tanky, yet he still can do incredible amounts of damage.
I get Decisive Strike first for the movement speed to help one get to opening gank. The silence also helps. Since Judgment is Garens maximum damage output ability, i like to max it asap, picking up Courage at lvl 4. At lvl 5 Garen can seriously shred through most champions health with Judgment alone. Then max out Decisive Strike and ending with Courage. It is not really that great of a shield, and I prefer it for late game. Early game it is used to stack the armor with last hits.
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